[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

is it possible to lower the radio sound when someone talk?

Silly Question but we currently need the radio in your hand to use it. Is there a setting for putting it away and using the shoulder mic?

in your rp radio config u set it to true its at the very bottom

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So I was creating a megaphone script, working with mumble. But in console I get this error:
[ script:mumble-voip] SCRIPT ERROR: Execution of native 000000002f7a49e6 in script host failed: Argument at index 1 was null.

The code I used for this script is this:

RegisterNetEvent("mumble:megaphone") --

AddEventHandler("mumble:megaphone", function(source)

local xPlayer = (GetPlayerPedFromid(-1))

local megaphone = false

if megaphone then

    NetworkSetTalkerProximity(mumbleConfig.voiceModes[playerData.mode][1] + 0.0) -- Set voice proximity

    MumbleClearVoiceTarget(voiceTarget) -- Reset voice target





    NetworkSetTalkerProximity(mumbleConfig.voiceModes[playerData.mode][1] + 80.0)

    propmegaphone = CreateObject(GetHashKey("prop_megaphone_01"), 0, 0, 0, true, true, true) -- creates object

    AttachEntityToEntity(propmegaphone, GetPlayerPed(-1), GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(-1), 57005), 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 270.0, 60.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) -- object is attached to right hand 

    megaphone = true

        if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(xPlayer) then

            local animDict = "mp_player_inteat@pnq"

            local animName = "intro"

            local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)


                while not HasAnimDictLoaded(animDict) do Citizen.Wait(0) end

                if HasAnimDictLoaded(animDict) then

                    TaskPlayAnim(ped, animDict, animName, 8.0, -8.0, -1, 0, 0, false, false, false )






Anyone knows a fix?

anyone know how to move the rp-radio info box to the upper right instead of the default upper left?

Is there an non esx version of Mumble Voip?

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this is a standalone.

What do you mean? But is there any non-esx version of this available?

it means it works with both ESX, and non-ESX. you just have to have onesync on i believe.

If it works, take a good look at the image and do it as is, thank you very much!

you have to activate OneSync

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The only issue im having currently is, I have my keys mapped out correctly in the config, M does the PTT but when im using my remote and i press the back button, its not broadcasting or something must be conflicting with it on the controls?

Hi ! i put the export in on job for avaible private frequency, but dosโ€™nt workโ€ฆ

AddEventHandler(โ€˜esx:setJobโ€™, function(job)
PlayerData.job = job

if PlayerData.job and PlayerData.job.name == 'police' then 
	exports["rp-radio"]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
elseif PlayerData.job and PlayerData.job.name == 'ambulance' then--[To add a job copy the from here]
	exports["rp-radio"]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)--[to here] and paste it right blow
elseif PlayerData.job and PlayerData.job.name == 'mecano' then -- here then rename 'mecano' to the job name
	exports["rp-radio"]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) -- set radio freq here (9, 10)
elseif PlayerData.job and PlayerData.job.name == 'sheriff' then -- here then rename 'mecano' to the job name
	exports["rp-radio"]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) -- set radio freq here (9, 10)
end --(Dont Touch)


Anyone have this problem ?

I followed the steps in this comment section and made the channels private, however when i have the police job i also canโ€™t go to that channel. anyone has a fix?


Does anyone know how to fix this and make it work? This is the fresh download

Mumble-voip - ui - index.html

Looking for top command, โ€œInfo Containerโ€ have to set align bottom & right percentages

Yes, in bottom of config folder of radio, there is a setting Allowradiowhenclosed = True/False (allows police animation)

Does anyone know how to make the radio only useable when they purchase from a store. Basically anyone that flies into the server has a radio, im looking to disable that so they have to atleast purchase one before allowing to use

Okay, so heres the issue Iโ€™m having with rp-radio. In order to see the radio channels for job usage they have to clock out and back in. Is there any specific place I need to be starting mumble and rp-radio?

Rest of the script works fine on both parts, I know it says to use pma-voice/ pma-radio but outside of this small hiccup, they both work great without any other issue.

Hello is there anyway to get this to work with ace persm rn i got a leo and a fire role im trying to see if i can get it to work where channels like 1,2,3 and 7 are leo and 4,5,6,8 are fire theres a total of 8 private and was woundering even if there was another way to do it based on discord roles