[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

is 2907 the last working artifact for the radio? Plan on updating artifacts just need to know how far up I’m able to go before the radio feature breaks.

How do you use the export to add permission to use that channel. I put it in the citizen.

while true do
exports[“rp-radio”]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequency(1 )

The top one works, but it gives it to everyone, and the bottom one does not work. If you could help me out that would be amazing!

while true do
if citizen.job == “police” then
exports[“rp-radio”]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequency(1 )

same here and cant figure out why


I triggers the export but the player deosn’t get into the radio channel.
It’s like nothing happends? Anyone know whats the problem is?

you are using the wrong export, SetRadioChannelName sets the name of a radio channel, use SetRadioChannel

i really want to remove the timer between two open radio but i don’t found where is make, can you help me ?

When i install mumble-voip I had an error:
@mumble-voip/server.lua:15: attempt to call a nil value (‘MumbleCreateChannel’)
How i can fix? Thanks

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Stupid mistake by me… ahaha but thanks for replying :smiley:

hey so i seem to be having an issue where its saying in the bottom corner initialising not connected to mumble in the bottom right corner any assistance ? i do have one sync enabled and nothing else is using the voice that i know of as i disabled tokovoip

i tried exceeding 800 channels to 9999, is this possible? I tried it and it doesnt work.

For some reason when I set my job the radio removes itself and the previous code I was given did not work well so I spoke to someone in another community and he gave me this code which basically added the process to a config which still doesn’t work

When i install mumble-voip I had an error:
@mumble-voip/server.lua:15: attempt to call a nil value (‘MumbleCreateChannel’)
How i can fix? Thanks

how do I change? Thanks

update server build

Seems to work fine? In rp-radio config change line 47 from 800 to 9999

    Frequency = {
        Private = { -- List of private frequencies
            [1] = true, -- Make 1 a private frequency
        }, -- List of private frequencies
        Current = 1, -- Don't touch
        CurrentIndex = 1, -- Don't touch
        Min = 1, -- Minimum frequency
        Max = 9999, -- Max number of frequencies
        List = {}, -- Frequency list, Don't touch
        Access = {}, -- List of freqencies a player has access to

So, after updating mumble-voip (master build), and server last recommended artifacts(2949)
Players can’t hear each other in close distance, when they’re both inside same car it works, also phone works.
Only proximity voice broken on my server, before updating everything was working perfectly.
Also I don’t have any menus like vMenu that might conflict with mumble.
Any suggestions?

Reverting back to my old version fixed that, :man_shrugging:t2:

I set my job to police and the radio wouldn’t open I have been on a while trying to fix this could someone please help

Hi, do you know how we actually input this on the server?

what is server build? srry, I’m new to this

Server artifact files.