Nope, not enabled and onesync is enabled… Still have the issue and can’t find a fix
look at the github issues, it’s usually vMenu that cause that or other scripts using voice natives
yeah i had to switch to [mumble-voip v1.3.1] and thats when it started working… hmmm
I can not talk on the radio if I do not have the “radio” open with the box there is a fix where I can talk on the same with tokovoip without it is open?
You have to set this up for true
AllowRadioWhenClosed = true
Does anyone know how to put radio as item?
found it Ty Bro <3
is possible talk with NUI open?
using SetNuiFocusKeepInput
i need to put " SetNuiFocusKeepInput
" in all script with nui? right?
Having this error:
SCRIPT ERROR: @mumble-voip/server.lua:15 attempt to call a nil value (global ‘MumbleCreateChannel’)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
dose this radio work in vrp server ??
For some reason I can’t open the radio UI…
I installed the lasest versions of mumble-voip and rp-radio and i’m currently running my server on the latest fivem artifacts.
When I use the command /radio nothing happens, FiveM detects the command but it doesn’t do anythin.
I’m not getting any errors btw.
Any help is welcome
how to setup this script ??
OneSync is pretty fuck’up for us, and we don’t want to enable it, can we have a solution to continue using mumble without onesync?
can this be used for a menu server
Just to help anyone else that might encounter the same issue. This resource is working well for the server, but we had a couple people that could hear everyone. We knew it had to be on their side because the issue was not happening to everyone, just two of the server members. Come to find out, the headsets they were using had TWO output settings inside their voice chat output settings. Both of them had it on the same output, and that output caused them to be global. So, if you have random people in your server stating that they can hear everyone no matter where they are at, I would suggest you tell them to check their output audio device and if they have two of the same one, one is buggy.
The two headsets they had were:
HyperX Cloud Headset
Steelseries Headset
mumble has always required onesync?
I seemed to have used it before without onesync for a while, but I said maybe shit