[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

Yeah i do have OneSync

Everything working fine for me. This is a really good one and realistic.
Id like to ask if the shift+f2 can be changed to another key. Like K . I try to use f buttons for menus

Everyone when joins in the server, goes to the same channel, how to make each user to go for a solo channel when join the server?

this script (mumble-voip) does not work with onesync infinity.

once on the server everyone gets to talk about anywhere on the map

can you make it compatible.

I make a video to help people for this script : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4PfqN1Fu9I&t


is mumble stable enough to use on a live environment? last time i used it voices were lagging behind when going over 80mph and audio quality was terrible.

Is it possible to get a guide how it works? I don’t understand how to add this. I inserted the scripts, use the setr things on server.cfg and put it in autostart and I can’t open the radio or even use it


That only happens to you so it’s just bad PC or just not enough “power” assinged to FiveM

does anyone know how to fix it?

Mine I give / radio and it doesn’t work, what do I need to do to work

Tried this and it isn’t working for me when I specify the private channels in config. I also tried adding the exports to add and remove access to the channels when police go on and off duty but that doesn’t work either.

When I open the radio it will be at channel 1 and then as soon as I switch up or down in the channels I lose all access to channel 1 and have no way to go back without relogging. Same thing will happen if you turn radio on or off.

have you found a solution?

Still nothing.


Somehow the i can’t figure out how to turn an the Radio. At the bottem i have a little txt witch says [Mumble] normal. But i don’t know how to open te radio

Some help?

what voice resource are you using with infinity?

Hello, I installed mumble voip and rpradio. Everything works except that now during a telephone call we can no longer hear the person. cordially

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I don’t have one yet

Private channels dont work with newest version?

Hello friend, I need help, I tried to use this, but my base is vrpex, and I don’t know what to do anymore, follow the code I tried on my vrp_policia when the police officer types / toogle to enter / leave the service:

local user_id = vRP.getUserId(source)
local identity = vRP.getUserIdentity(user_id)
if vRP.hasPermission(user_id,“policiaI.toogle”) then
TriggerClientEvent(“Notify”,source,“aviso”,“Você saiu de serviço.”)

    elseif vRP.hasPermission(user_id,"paisanapoliciaI.toogle") then
	TriggerEvent('eblips:add',{ name = "Policial", src = source, color = 47 })
	TriggerClientEvent("Notify",source,"sucesso","Você entrou em serviço.")
	TriggerEvent(exports["rp-radio"]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2))

In the config.lua of rp-radio I left it like this:

Frequency = {
Private = { – List of private frequencies
[1] = true, – Make 1 a private frequency
[2] = true, – Make 2 a private frequency
}, – List of private frequencies
Current = 1, – Don’t touch
CurrentIndex = 1, – Don’t touch
Min = 1, – Minimum frequency
Max = 800, – Max number of frequencies
List = {}, – Frequency list, Don’t touch
Access = {}, – List of freqencies a player has access to

Ok, my latest problem i fixed. But now i have problem with using ram…

After time i have 80 MiB… :frowning: