I cant reject the call only take it.
same problem, has anyone fixed it?
Phone Calls and Radio aren’t working, I’m using gcphone
Hello, is it possible to be able to speak to some channels at same time? so if someone is in channel 1, other in 2 and other in 3 can hear you, thanks!
hi, needed Onesync for radio etc ?
Yep! ^^
i did it for vrp but it didn’t work
You have to configure it with the new gcphone and new ESX update.
gcphone.zip (2.7 MB)
You haven’t uncommented the Native Use this:
gcphone.zip (2.7 MB)
I can’t get the mumble voip to work, it shows in the bottom right and lights up yellow but i cannot hear anyone and they cannot hear me. any help?
can you help me? im using vrpex, but dont have anny idea how i put this ( when a cop goes on duty do
when a cop goes off duty do
) in my vrp_police
local user_id = vRP.getUserId(source)
local identity = vRP.getUserIdentity(user_id)
if vRP.hasPermission(user_id,“rota.permissao”) then
TriggerClientEvent(“Notify”,source,“sucesso”,“Você saiu de serviço.”)
SendWebhookMessage(webhookpolicia,"prolog\n[ROTA]: "..user_id.." "..identity.name.." "..identity.firstname.." \n[===========SAIU DE SERVICO==========] "..os.date("\n[Data]: %d/%m/%Y [Hora]: %H:%M:%S").." \r
elseif vRP.hasPermission(user_id,“paisanapoliciarota.permissao”) then
TriggerEvent(‘eblips:add’,{ name = “Policial”, src = source, color = 47 })
TriggerClientEvent(“Notify”,source,“sucesso”,“Você entrou em serviço.”)
SendWebhookMessage(webhookpolicia,"prolog\n[ROTA]: "..user_id.." "..identity.name.." "..identity.firstname.." \n[==========ENTROU EM SERVICO=========] "..os.date("\n[Data]: %d/%m/%Y [Hora]: %H:%M:%S").." \r
Hello, idk why I got that problem. When I press Capslock to talk i see the animation but he dosent talk. When I scroll down on my mouse I hear the noise that radio is working but it dosent show animation. In debug mode in muble-voip script i found that when i scroll down on my mouse is showing radioActive to: true and then go straigt to false.
Any tips maybe what i broken
When i use this code in client.lua
ESX.RegisterUsableItem(‘radio’, function(source)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('radio', 1)
TriggerClientEvent('Radio.Set', source, true)
TriggerClientEvent('Radio.Toggle', source)
Then i have error attempt to index a nil vaule (global ‘ESX’)
How to fix it?
(Sorry for my english )
where to enter this
Did you find any solution? after a server restart happens again
me too, got something bro?
Search the thread for the gcphone fix to make it work with this, it is there and I got mine working using that same fix Frazzle mentions
same .-.
Hello There… So I have a problem that when somebody is on the same freq. as me then I can’t hear him but I can hear the mic click sound. Any idea why?
i got it in the game but the Radio does not pop up when i do the Command and The key