[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

Just FiveM and as far as i know a Patreon subscription to the tier where Mumble is a feature (If i remember correctly $25 and upwards).

No, this is for mumble, which is built into FiveM.

This requires OneSync, which is free.

@Frazzle the radio is stilll not closed when you join in poeple need to close it once there in the server the pre realse on the github does not work at all.

Hey guys somebody know how to restrict radio only for PD/EMS I tried the exports set radio method and it didnโ€™t work so if u guys can help me I would appreciate it


i got the 15 dollar one

Hello, I got everything working, but the only thing is that I donโ€™t hear my peers in the radio, any recommendation?

Working well on Infinity, the radio range is 300m due to Infinity but with this commit ( https://github.com/citizenfx/fivem/commit/9cbbb45f2cfd41b1176f7f41017a20e55f85b796 ) iโ€™m pretty sure you could make it 100% compatible with infinity. Could you take a look at it ? :slight_smile:

i made it to get work on job:

	while true do
		if ESX.PlayerData.job ~= nil and ESX.PlayerData.job.name == 'ambulance' and not IsDead then
		 exports["rp-radio"]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3, 4)
		elseif ESX.PlayerData.job ~= nil then
			exports["rp-radio"]:RemovePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3, 4)

You put in the job client?

Hello, the script is great but I canโ€™t put the radio in the item and in the shop, because I suck ^^ if someone could tell me how we do it will be cool thank you in advance. sorry for my english iโ€™m french ^^

Hey this script is insane but how can I do to talk in the radio without having the MAJ + F2 menu open

Its pretty heavy to continue looping it over and over again. for mumble. you mide as well just make it update when they switch jobs. first spawn. switch characters. or a admin updates there job. thats what i did and it works very bueno

and just add item radio in Database-items
INSERT INTO items (name, label, limit, rare, can_remove) VALUES
(โ€˜radioโ€™, โ€˜radioโ€™, -1, 0, 1)
If u are using weight here you go
INSERT INTO items (name, label, weight) VALUES
(โ€˜radioโ€™, โ€˜radioโ€™, 1)

Just change controls to your liking in config

Hi Iโ€™m just drag and drop the mumble radio and the rp radio in my resources and started in my server.cfg,than I resart my server,but when I type the /radio command nothing happend.And my console donโ€™t show any error.

I think you didnโ€™t understand me I was asking HOW can we talk in the radio without having the radio in our hand

where did you put that ?

In client/main.lua line 19

not working i canโ€™t hear people or talk but i have the call working

I just have the issue where, some people can talk with eachother but for some people it do not work at allโ€ฆ Anyone?