DefectGaming’s McDonald’s Job | Fast Food Restaurant Job
A simple, highly customizable fast food job for ESX-Legacy
The Basics
There are 3 different roles to choose from.
A Cook, someone that cooks fries, burgers, pours drinks, and prepares meals for the cashier.
A Cashier, someone that takes orders at a register, collects the order and delivers it to the seated customer.
A Delivery Driver, someone that collects orders for outbound delivery, they can use either their personal vehicle or a vehicle provided by the company.
There is now a Mini Advanced Mode which enables the Cashier(s) and Delivery Driver(s) to be reliant on the Cook(s) to prepare the meals, If no cook is cooking meals, no customers get their meals and if no customers get their meals, no one gets paid. This is togglable through the Config
Almost Everything about this script is customizable through the config.lua.
- All Delivery Locations: Cashier and Driver.
- Vehicles: Bike and Van.
- Deposit Prices: $150 for bike $300 for van.
- Job Marker Locations.
- Pay Rates: Per successful job.
- Pay Bonus: Extra pay the more work you do.
- Job Times: Time it takes to complete a task.
- Rule Breaking Fines: Amounts that get deducted from player for being a bad employee.
- Firing System: A configurable amount of rule breaks before being instantly dismissed.
And much more!
Currently only comes with English Locales, about 95% of the English locales are done.
If anyone can do any translations it would be awesome if you could create a pull request on GitHub to add them for everyone I will give credits to the locale(s) you create, I tried with google translate but it is very difficult.
Newest Updates
- Workers get penalized for stealing food.
- Now enforcing Delivery Drivers to use McDonalds Work Vehicles.
- Fine system: Worker gets fined a configurable amount for stealing food.
- Firing system: after a configurable amount of times a worker has broken the rules they will be instantly dismissed(Fired)!
Updates for the Future
- NPC’s for Player Orders - Somewhat Done
- Add Inventory Between Cook and Cashier/Delivery Driver - Done
- Create/Find New Building - Done
- [es_extended(v1-final)]
- [esx_menu_default]
- [esx_addonaccount]
- [esx_addoninventory]
- [esx_basicneeds]
- [pNotify] or [Mythic_Notify]
- [progressBars]
Development and Support will no longer be given for this plugin.
GitHub Support Link:
- itsBUCKO - McDonalds Building
- frank_l59 - NRG Scooter
- MOH-samtoxie - Model VW Caddy
- FuryFight3r - Textures for Vehicles & Scriptwork & Building Changes
- Shoutout to Chopper22 for his great support and itsBUCKO for providing such a great building to share with us.
No longer available
FAQ - (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Why is nothing showing up but I have the McDonalds Job?
A: This is likely due to the fact that you have spelt the resource incorrectly in your server.cfg meaning the resource has failed to start.
Q: I get the error of “A weird error has occurred with dgrp_mcdonalds” when trying to start the resource, whats wrong?
A: Maybe dont change things, if you can’t fix it redownload the addon and don’t change anything but the config file this time.
Q: Why does rain come inside the building?
A: This happens with all YMAP buildings GTA weather cannot detect YMAP Collisions.