[Release] KGV-Phone (an actually good phone)

Can I alert the police with it?

Dude, how did you modify this key? Can you help me

Does this save pictures to the client or is there something I need to do to save pictures taken with the phone?

How can i change the button to open the Phone?

twotter please

Amazing :slight_smile:

Why the keyboard is not working on the websites ?

this looks cool. would it be possible for you to make a burner phone out of the prologue phone?

help please i am having this error with kgv-phone when i put it in the resources folder and
I put it on cfg I enter the fivem and give that message

Couldn’t load resource kgv-phone: Couldn’t load resource kgv-phone from resources: / kgv-phone /: Could not open resource metadata file resources: / kgv-phone // __ resource.lua.

Suggestion: add Bleeter as an app, where people could create accounts and Bleet after that. (If somebody doesn’t know, Bleeter is Rockstar’s parody of Twitter https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Bleeter) Otherwise a very nice phone.

I mean… that’s an interesting idea but not easy to do.

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do they spawn with the phone or do they have to buy it?

This is AMAZING… if was working with tokovoip… great, really. 1000/10!
But will be updated with call system?
Thank you!

Amazing release. I suggest adding a system to add contacts in-game so people can call and stuff :smiley:

Hi! Why’s my phone black screen like this?


PLEASE HELP!! i have the error: Couldn’t load resource kgv-phone: Couldn’t load resource kgv-phone from resources:/kgv-phone/: Could not open resource metadata file resources:/kgv-phone//__resource.lua.

you must be doing something wrong. it worked first try for me

Bro are you still working on this script?

i dont remember

edit: i was correct, i added DOF toggle with B/R3 and forgot about it

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im guessing no update on this?