@Scott1 When I set the item in the config : “Config.UnrackWeapons = true” to “Config.UnrackWeapons = false is” it possible to still keep the option to rack or unrack my weapons available in the menu? I have a weapon-on-back script and I would like to be able to unrack my rifle but if I’m far from my car I can still swap to my pistol or taser (with my rifle on my back) but still make it where I got the rifle (or the shotgun) from the vehicle. I would also still like to be able to pickup rifles or any large weapon as it would mean I am able to pick up criminals weapons while still carrying mine on my back. hope this makes sense.
Hey i was wondering if its possible to make the spike strips also work for AI as well as players
Hello i love the menu and the new updates but im having an issue with my server not recognizing the password after the restarts of the server!! it keeps saying incorrect password when it is correct so i resorted to canceling the onduty password and even that doesnt work, so i have made it access to everyone atm…is there something im doing wrong or somehow a fix for it!?
@Jajar for the onduty command oyu do /onduty <department> <password>
- Department = leo or fire depending on what menu to want access to
- Password = The password for the command, only if you require the password in the config
@DZ2024 If you want to keep the menu options for the weapon racking/unracking you would need to go into the menu.lua
and replace the following with
if Config.UnrackWeapons then
and replace that with
--if Config.UnrackWeapons then
or just remove the if statement to just have LEOActions:AddItem...
@J_Walker There probably a way to do that, im not 100% how tho.
There is an issue relating to the onduty password not working on server start, I’m working on trying to find the root cause of the issue and release a fix.
There is currently an open issue on the GitHub for this issue and I ask that you post a comment on the that issue so I can get more info and try to find out why it is doing this.
trying to use it for FivePD you see and have absolutely no clue on how to do it @Scott1
Searching People is broken, always shows as empty. Also would be cool to see vehicle searching.
Also I recommend allowing the speedzones to be seen and deleted by others and the same for the props. Would be so much better. But overall great job so far man.
Line 401-402 very minimal just needs changing to say fire
–This determines if the LEO Loadouts section will be visible
Config.DisplayFireLoadouts = true
I’ll have a look into why the searching isn’t working, I am planning to allow props and zones to be seen/managed by others. Also during this update I did change some config values, obvisouly I over looked that description.
hey Scott1 just would like to no if the spikes work for AI or other players? im looking for one that will work for AI
Only other players atm, I will work on allowing AI vehicle to be affected by spike strips for the next update
Hello, for some reason when you try to cuff people it doesn’t show the player cuffed. The player also can’t turn or when in a vehicle after uncuffed.
Hey @Scott1, I have 2 questions that I really need answered.
1.) Why cant I access the menu from in the vehicle? I can access it while on foot. What do I have to add in the menu.lua file for it to work.
2.) How do I remove the Footer of the menu. I dont want to delete this “POLICE TOOLBOX” from here “MainMenu, ‘Police Toolbox’, 'POLICE TOOLBOX” as it is working well with the Middle Title option.
I want to keep the Middle Text that says what (sub)menu is is. But just want to remove the bottom part. I know how to change and delete the text for the middle part, Just not the bottom part. Here is a screenshot of what I mean.
And yes, I am using your script. just edited version I have done. I have only changed things in the config and menu.lua file, none of the other files have been altered. I have been looking through all the files to find the footer code, but didnt have much luck.
For the vehicle question, I have tried doing this in a new CreateThread script
if IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), false) and IsControlJustPressed(1, Config.MenuButton) then
But didnt have much luck.
Are you using a F1-12 key?
If you look in the
local LEOMenu = _MenuPool:AddSubMenu(MainMenu, 'LEO Toolbox', 'Law Enforcement Related Menu', true)
Change the'Law Enforcement Related Menu'
I am using F7 (168) . And I want to use
for the middle text that says what the (sub)menu is.
Ok, I fixed the vehicle issue. But still stuck on the Footer Script. Would it be something in NativeUI.lua? I am trying to edit it as much to make it look simlar to DoJ’s Menu