[Release] Heli Script

mraes’ Heli Script

Formerly known as HeliCam

This resource adds the Helicam from that one singleplayer mission back to FiveM.
Complete with working compass and altimeter, nightvision and thermal vision.
It also gives vehicle information and is able to lock onto vehicles.
If that wasn’t enough, it also synchronises the helicopter searchlight and allows passengers to rappel from the polmav helicopter.

A nice video.


  • Download resource heli.zip (4.6 KB) and put it in the resources folder. (I can also point you towards the network-synced version by @Loque , further in this thread.)
  • Add heli entry to your citmp-server.yml AutoStartResources
  • Press the the E key to switch to the HeliCam
  • Whilst in Helicam:
  • Move mouse to rotate cam
  • Scroll to zoom
  • RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON to switch between normal, nightvision and thermal vision
  • Whilst in Helicam: when hovering over a vehicle and close enough to it, you can see vehicle info. If you can see this, press SPACE to lock camera onto the vehicle. SPACE again to unlock camera.
  • Press the X key to rappel from the helicopter
  • Press the G key as helicopter pilot to switch on the spotlight (this is synced across the network to all players)

(All keys mentioned here are the default keys bound to the controls the script uses. See the source if you need to change them)
Source code
Is to be found here.
Please make suggestions or changes, I"m open to feedback.
If you make any changes, please release them to the community as well :slight_smile:

Have fun!

ps Et pour les francophones la même chose.


  • 2017-06-08: Added camera zoom smoothing
  • 2017-06-08: Added Night and Thermal vision
  • 2017-06-12: Added rappel, spotlight and showing of vehicle information + lock onto vehicle. Changed some keys. Added screen effect to make it look like cam feed. Also made the camera movements smaller the more you are zoomed in. This makes it easier to control.

very very very good jobv bro and thanks for release !!!


:slight_smile: Very happy to see something like this. Good Job.

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Thanks for this release dude. Appreciate it :slight_smile:

Any way to toggle : “Press “E” to use camera” when someone jump in a Polmav ? ;p

Anyway, this is awesome, thanks again.


awesome, just perfect! thank you!


Fantastic mod.

Since you are now the local heli mod expert, might you consider a heli spotlight mod at some point? :grin: It’s been asked for a lot on the forums.

Either way, thanks for this one!


mraes thank you very much !
Keep up the good work dude.

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Hello. I have a problem. its a pretty serious problem. after switching to the camera, i cant leave the camera view because if i do i wont be able to go back into HeliCam… :rage:


Huh… No idea what might cause that. If anyone else experiences the same problems, please let me know.

Update 2017-06-08: Added camera zoom and movement smoothing. The zip in the main post has been updated.


Hey mraes, any chances to have a spot light and/or a night vision function with it ?

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Both very good ideas, I will work on them!

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if you want nightvision like this : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/300949296990126081/322379204727406592/unknown.png

simply add :

if IsControlJustPressed(0, 229) then
					Nightvision = not Nightvision
					if Nightvision then

under the loop “while helicam” and add “local Nightvision = false” on the top (control 229 is left click)


Could it be because i have a modded police helicopter…? (The model and handling are modded)

Although it makes no sense, because it works the first time but not the second time… i hear the default click but it doesnt change camera…

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Thermal and Night vision added, access them by pressing the key for weapon reload (default R)
Zip in main post has been updated



Thanks dude, i already added night vision to mine manually, but i didn’t have thermal.

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By the way, i like the smoothing for the zoom, but what about smoothing the left up and right movement? when zoomed it it moves very Choppy

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Thanks for uploading this script. works fine now.

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This looks really great. Good job.


anyway of removing peoples cash/bank balance from the screen when they are using the camera?.


You’ll have to change the scripts that render this text, be they via NUI or via DrawText.
Maybe provide some hook so that you can toggle the rendering of these elements.
I can’t prevent their stuff from rendering in my script.