[Release]GTA IV style Hud[Paid]

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updated on 2022/02/01 , protected by Fivem Escrow system, Your server artifacts to at least version 4752+
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Your server artifacts to at least version 4752+
This resource is protected by Fivem Escrow system.

Detail Included In this script:
Scaleform Base

GTA IV style

HealthBar ArmourBar

Multiple Weapons


Bank (Config set Show or not)


Blips style GTA IV
Server-Sided DLK Pause Maps + Working Minimap / Radar
GTA SA Style
Damage Message
Dead Message


Lol this is amazing

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sorry to say but this is leaked already in back january

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Bro,What are you talking about?

Hello can we go pm please i just buy your script and i have some problems

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This would be amazing but this has no instructions on how to set it up, if anyone knows how to fix the map then please let me know

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Quality Updated
Price from 14.14usd to 20usd

Why $20?

I don’t need many buyers.

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updated libs , better perfromance,
more configs supported,
Supported QB

Hello sir buyed the script but have some questions can i please talk with you in private

Ok definetly it looks good and works as expected, but i would add so much things to the configurable part, like the ability of hiding some UI elements like streets, car names, and zone names
Also a command to hide the radar UI and some export (or trigger) to close it from other scripts (like UIs conflicting with radar ui/radar itself, i would do it by myself but the script is obfuscated asf
Some triggers or exports to show hud elements, like a trigger for making a /money command, to just display the money in that moment
Also adding oxygen support would be amazing, detecting when the player is on water and change the armor value to oxygen one, it can be done easily

in short: if you are looking for a GTA IV style radar with health/armor this is your script
if you like to mess up with code like me, run
if the script creator changes this i will update my review of course, but for now you can only config some little things about the ui

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Thanks.I will make it better next update.

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hey bro still waiting for the update :frowning:

@negbook im still waiting for the update man, your only update was for adding escrow, i mean if you arent gonna provide any kind of support just remove escrow and people can fix the issues

I just stopped using it because scaleform maps like cayo perico look square instead of a circle for example.

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it’s $160! not $20