[RELEASE] [FREE] guille_gangsv2 (Best FiveM gang script for ESX)

Just get the gang name with the callback, create a div with an span and let the text of the span with that.

im confused im not to good with allthis do you have a example i can look at please im sure it would be handy to alot of people aswell sorry to be hard work but i really want to get this sorted

or do i put it in here ?

I dont have an example, you can always see how trew hud works for example

Buen script!!! Quisiera saber cómo cambiar de tecla el menú del F11, el script va muy bien y no consume nada. Enhorabuena por el trabajo!!

my problem is that i am spamwing to 2 cars instedad of 1 that is my only problem

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Bcause you created 2 car spawn ints, and it work fine just puting one, my fault

yeah you was right thank you so much. last question how do i get the warmenu and how does it work? is this for gang fighting ?

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como abro el warmenu?

No jaja, warmenu is just a native menu [Release] WarMenu - Lua Menu Framework

Hello guys !
I may be stupid but I tried to change the actions menu from F11 to F7

And it didn’t work
Then I tried with another one, and it seems that we can only open the actions menu from F11.

FYI I modified this line in Client > Points.lua

I searched in every single file but cannot find any other keyregister

So how can I change that ?

(i’m using es_extended 1.2 and i’m using the license version of your script)

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Change the command from gangmenu ti another name, and also change command of the leymap and the key :slight_smile:

Any plans on adding a gang clothes option?

Yes why not

Would i be able to change the yellow circle (points) for something else?
Also, are the gangs not supposed to save into the database after you create them?

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Yes they save in database, add the tables to your database. And change the points with the DrawMarker in points.lua

Thanks mate, would there be a way to change the text of “get gang vehicles out” for ex. or would i be able to link gang vehicles with just a normal garage ?

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Also, don’t meant change the actual points. Just change the way it looks from for ex. the yellow circle to a blue circle

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Yes i mean, change the first param of DrawMarker native in Points.lua to change the style.

Well yes you are able to do that, but each garage is different so you would have to do that manually.