guille_gangsv2 The most complete gang system.
- Create (/creategang) and manage gangs in-game (/modifygangs).
- Interaction menu at f11
- Warmenu (integrated in the script) for admin management and gang script integrated menu and esx menu default.
- Gang shop
- Standalone inventory with black money, items weapons etc together.
- Standalone job, not working with ESX jobs.
- Compact database.
- 0.00 - 0.01 idle resmon.
- Add infinite points and choose what points must appear, and what not.
- Built with classes for an optime server side management and optimization.
- Some things that I don’t remember kekw
- Project: This will be updated a lot, it’a a project not just an script
GitHub (Steam identifier version)
GitHub (License identifier version (BETA VERSION, report pls bugs with license version)
- Add more locales and traduce more strings.
- Fix bugs that prob will appear.
- Fixed an important bug when gang was set.
- Added extended groups.
- Added clean options when create gang.
- Added /setgangmember + id + rank (Only works if you are gang boss to add members to your gang)
(If you need a more complete gang system, check out made by my Rcore mates )