[RELEASE] FiveM Resource Update Checker | fivem-checker V1.1 [Free]



FiveM Checker is a resource that uses HTTPS requests to determine if resources are outdated or not.

(They need to be compatible with fivem-checker, more information below)

List of already compatible resources

Some new features will be added soon: a command to check for updates (instead of having to restart the resource or the server), Auto-Updater, Update checker for non-compatible resources, etc.


  • None (For now, I guess?)

Don’t forget to :heart: this post if you liked this resource. It motivates me to keep coding for FiveM (but it’s mostly for my ego :drooling_face:).


First step

You will need to add several metadata items to your fxmanifest.lua files.

Manifest Metadata Required/Optional Description Example
fivem_checker Required Without this metadata, the checker won’t be able to “see” your resource fivem_checker 'yes'
github Required Link to the GitHub repo of your resource github 'https://github.com/clementinise/kc-test'
version Required Version of your resource (You will need to change this every time you release an update) version '1.0'
name Optional Name of your resource (You can also use color codes) name '^2Test Script'

Second step

You will also need to add a file labeled version (An example can be found here) to your GitHub repo.

This file needs to follow certain syntax rules:

Syntax Required/Optional Description Example
<version-number> Required The version number should be enclosed in angle brackets <1.1>
- Changelog Optional Each line of the changelog should be separated by a minus symbol - This is a test sentence

Last step

There isn’t one, only those two steps are required to make your resource compatible with this resource.:+1:


Download the latest release.

Drag the folder into your <server-data>/resources folder.
Add this in your server.cfg:

ensure fivem-checker

Note: This needs to be added at the end of your resources list in server.cfg


Nice release!

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nothing happens i have followed the documentation

Edit: well it seems that i had my repo in private lol and that’s why wasn’t working.

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Okay so it seems when a version cant be found it breaks all the other versions. None is shown
Also if the previous version is 1.0 and the update is 1.0.1 it will say its up to date.
It does not check if it has more than 3 numbers or not.

Those are some tests i done @Clementinise
If you want to have a look and make it better to have at least a print saying can’t be found instead of breaking all the others.

We using this for our framework which is really helpful.

I will take a look at it and try to fix this, thanks for all the testing you’ve been making!

Update 1.1


  • Added a server command to check for updates


  • Resource should now work as expected


possible to use in own resoruces to check updates from github ?

Of course, this script is for everyone to use :ok_hand:

Does this work with FXManifest?

Yes it does, it’s actually mentionned in the post

You will need to add several metadata items to your fxmanifest.lua files.

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Ok thank you

Sorry I didn’t see

Thats okay don’t worry x)

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