[Release] EUP for FiveM (SERVER SIDED)

Fyi, I am having trouble downloading the eup stream, am I doing something wrong?

FYI I was able to try it on a different browser and was able to get it downloaded

download it in other web browser like - microsoft edge

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Stupid Question, If I subscribe to the patreon and then generate the key is that then permanent And I have the ability to use Server Sided EUP all the time or do I need to subscribe every month?

No its a monthly subscription

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how do i activate my eup so it will let me download the eup-stream

@Matthew_Lanz as @thebestalpaca mentioned, try this:


the same problem

Can somebody help me i add a vest with the texture and this happened!

Make sure it is the same number and that the EUP texture has _uni.ytd on it

You don’t need to have the key but you can only have upto 8 people on a server. If you need more slots then you will need to buy the licence.

it takes up to 7 hours to get your element key working with eup

Your a savior!

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The link dont work for me right now

Why can’t I still download Eup-Stream,I have purchased Fivem Element Club Argentum about ten hours ago:( Am I doing something less?Because the email told me“These will be activated automatically”,I can already use color codes and 64Slot,but still can not download this file.PLS HELP

The link is broken

I changed a browser and downloaded it,that worked

the Stream link desent work

Hey i like to add a Job check for the Menu i did somthing but it dose not work can you help me?
part of the Code:

ESX = nil
    ESX = obj

RegisterCommand('eup', function()
	local ped = PlayerPedId()
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerData(source).job.name
     if xPlayer == "police" or "ambulance" then
		if GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("mp_m_freemode_01") then
			mainMenuM:Visible(not mainMenuM:Visible())
		elseif GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("mp_f_freemode_01") then
			mainMenuF:Visible(not mainMenuF:Visible())
			ShowInfo("You need to use an MP ped with EUP")
		ShowInfo("Du bist nicht im Dienst")
end, false)


I have the patreon and whenever I click on the eup-stream download it doesn’t do anything can anyone help ?