[Release][ESX][Free] Cosmo HUD and Speedometer

Cosmo HUD
Simple status HUD for FiveM and ESX inspired by NoPixel 3.0.

The HUD replaces the radar, the escape menu map and adds status icons below.

Status indicators:

  • Health (skull when dead)
  • Armor
  • Hunger
  • Thirst
  • Stress
  • Oxygen (when underwater)
  • Speaking (mumble-voip)

Choose whether to use the speedometer or not in the config.


  • Download or clone from GitHub
  • Put ‘cosmo_hud’ into your ‘resources’ folder
  • Edit config.lua to your liking

If you want to use speech indicator:

Go to mumble-voip/client.lua and add the following code on line 803


Do not change the name of the resource or it will not work
Make sure that cosmo_hud starts after the required resources


  • esx_status
  • esx_basicneeds
  • mumble-voip (speaking indicator)
  • rp-radio (if using headset option)

Thanks to




hmm very interesting


Good Job! can you add a mic indicator?


is there a way to keep the map when you are out of the car? I am 99% sure this is the hud i have been waiting for my while life thank you for sharing it! It takes a lot of hard work to get these suckers working right so thank you for your time too!

anyone’s armor not going away and cant be killed after putting this in?
looks like its stuff at about 60% fire and explosions / drowning can kill me but bullets wont

just looking through the client file , is this 100%

        hp = GetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId()) - 100,
        armor = GetPedArmour(PlayerPedId()),
        hunger = hunger,
        thirst = thirst,
        oxygen = GetPlayerUnderwaterTimeRemaining(PlayerId()) * 10

using es_extended 1.1 if that matters hahaha

It’s happening me too LMAO, it’s so funny xD


thank goodness i thought i was going crazy, I removed my default hunger and thrist bars and was worried I did to much at the same time, I have to go slow or things like that happen, Its a shame its effecting you too, but I’m kinda glad that I’m not losing my mind so I’m torn about it.

Forgot to remove one line used when debugging.
Check the latest GitHub commit :upside_down_face:

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thank you Ill grab it now thank you so much!

Which dependency do you use for voice?

Mumble VOIP

Added a config option to always show the radar.

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amazing! holy cow thank you!!! now its 100% what I have always wanted!!! thank you!!! ill load it up right now!


Is it possible to add stress circle?

i’m also trying to add a stress with no luck so far

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I figured it out how to do it, I can make pull request on Github.

I just made a pull request adding BasicNeeds stress into the hud, i also changed the css and made it more nopixel styled.


How to fix ESX.Notification beign showed on the bottom of sreen and not bellow map?

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you mean salary notifications and stuff over the minimap? yep would be a nice thing to learn how to do.


how do I make the bubble for voice?

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