[RELEASE] ESX Deliveries

ESX Deliveries


npm version License: GPL v3

Source Code: Link (Use the download link below for your server)


v1.2 - changelog

  • Fixed blip not being removed after finishing or canceling a delivery route.

v1.1 - changelog

  • Added [end deliveries] functionality. Player can now, at any point, return with or without the vehicle to end the deliveries or reset them. Must be inside the vehicle if he was his deposit back.
  • Added female skin.


Delivery hub without a job requirement next to the job center. Quite useful for new players entering your server. Basically, a player will go the symbols (scooter, van, truck), rent a vehicle and make certain deliveries around the map for payments. Scooter ususally delivers around small shops or houses, van delivers mostly at 24/7’s or small/fuel shops while truck delivers at clubs or big food chains. A safe deposit is required which is refunded once the player returns the vehicle. Different props and animations for each delivery type.


  • 3 different delivery types - Scooter / Van / Truck
  • Custom skin for the job.
  • Different props and animations for every delivery type.
  • Random delivery route every time.
  • Easy to use - thorough guide system with subtitles and marks all along the way.
  • Convars to customize deliveries count.
  • Convars to customize payment amount and safe deposits for each delivery type.


  • ESX (for payments to work)




Add this to server.cfg

  • start esx_deliveries


These following convars are available. If you don’t set them, then the default values mentioned below are being used.

# Decorcode - you don't need to change this if you don't know what it's usefull for. - default 1450
  setr esx_deliveries_decorcode [int number]

# Minimum deliveries - default 5
  setr esx_deliveries_min [int number]

# Maximum deliveries - default 7
  setr esx_deliveries_max [int number]

# Reward for each delivery made with scooter - default 750
  setr esx_deliveries_reward_scooter [int number]

# Reward for each delivery made with van - default 1000
  setr esx_deliveries_reward_van [int number]

# Reward for each delivery made with truck - default 1450
  setr esx_deliveries_reward_truck [int number] 

# Safe deposit cost for renting the scooter default 4000
  setr esx_deliveries_safe_deposit_scooter [int number]

# Safe deposit cost for renting the van - default 6000
  setr esx_deliveries_safe_deposit_van [int number]

# Safe deposit cost for renting the truck - default 8000
  setr esx_deliveries_safe_deposit_truck [int number]

Map location picture with markers drawn.


Other scripts by me:

[Release] [ESX] ESX_Cargodelivery
[Release] [ESX] ESX_CommunityService


great script

so can i add the job as esx job-list , if yes just tell me how i can edit the client file

If you just want to add it as a different named script just change its folder name to “whatever” and add start “whatever” in your server.cfg
If you meant something different please elaborate

can i make it work with only one job
like if the player.job = “cargo” enable the blips ?

sorry for my bad english

and also if u can add that player need to get driver license before start the job
so if he want to work with vans he will need to get truck license

can we make the route not random? thanks this is sick :wink:


can i make it work with only one job
like if the player.job = “cargo” enable the blips ?
and also if u can add that player need to get driver license before start the job
so if he want to work with vans he will need to get truck license

I’m not sure, there is not very good ESX synergy, i will have to check it out about the license thing. Maybe in a future update.


can we make the route not random? thanks this is sick :wink:

You will have to edit the source code and build the script again. You add, remove or keep your points at DeliveryData.cs and you will have to modify the CreateRoute function a bit.

can’t wait for the future update , and if you can add like a command to stop the job at anytime and set a way back to return the vehicle

I’ll never understand (want to understand) why a person shares something, but makes it available in a fucking dll compiled, so you can’t adapt it for your purposes, like translating…these are mostly the people who disappear without a trace and nobody can fix or extend the script evlt anymore.

For ONE example…

Delivery hub without a job requirement next to the job center.

do you know WHERE MY Jobcenter is and how it works?
Thump up


Did you read his text? I guess not.

He posted his github link with the source code…

Maybe not… now I will give the sript a try… sorry to much dll fucking scripts before, to long in this game :wink:

So much dll file.!

So niceeee

I understand your frustration, it certainly is easier to modify a LUA script but for me it’s just a matter of preference. It’s not so hard to modify a C# script either tbh, just requires more tools than a simple text editor. Meanwhile i try to create as many convars as possible so the server owner can modify stuff out of the box.

So i have changed the prices inside the DLL file but once i start the resource the prices are the same, i have also tried the ESX master one and it just wont work at all, can you help?

Yes, you don’t actually need to change the prices in the .cs file. You just have to set the convars. If you don’t set the convars yourself, then the default values mentioned will be applied. If for some reason you want to make the changes in the .cs file directly, then make sure you remove the convar reading in the Client() function so your values don’t get overwritten.

Is this available for eveyone or do you need a job for it?

for everyone

1 Like

I LOVE IT… nice share

I love it.

Is anyone planning to make an ESX version of it? To make it like a real job