[RELEASE] [ESX] Ban/Warning/Help-Assist System

I have some issues that the warnlist and so on wont open

I have it also did you fix it?


  • Fixed XSS vulnerability in ban/warn list & assist popup
  • Added infinity/onesync support
  • Fixed menus closing when someone requested assist
    Database update required: no
    Config update required: no

is report system compatible with onesnc legacy

How to fix error?

yes, it is

it’s not an error, it’s just a warning because the query took a certain amount of time


  • Added config entry to disable/enable ip bans
    Database update required: no
    Config update required: yes

Which button do I press to make bans??

installed the updated version 1.7.1 and now it won’t let me into the server, says “Connection rejected by server: You need to have steam open to play on this server.”

how do i fix this?

Hey is there any possible combination so i can disable reports on certain admins? like /reportsoff and /reportson ?

im having this issue with el_bwh where when i go to an assist i get put under the map at the same location everytime

Possible to add command “/history (ID)” for look bans+warns?

does the script still work or has it not been adapted to the new esx? or should it just work?

what do i do to make it work i am getting these errors?

bwh no perms
how to fix

do “setgroup [ID] superadmin” in console

when i do Pageup to teleport to an assist i get put underneath the map and not tping to the actual player who needs help, any ideas?

This is coming up! what to do?

can u fix duplicate issue on license column, cause i have issue when server uptime > 12 hours, i tried to connect, reconnect many times and i got error “duplicate errror, license column cannot be null”.
[el_bwh:1.7.2 | db:1.7]