This script tries to replicate the original Carmageddon Mod and bring it to FiveM. This has absolutely nothing to do with the original mod though and is just trying to be a clone of the mod.
Basically, if you don’t know the mod, this makes vehicles go fly around and tries to create a challenge to survive. Also you can set the “crazyness level” in the configuration.
Whenever I run this on my server, it crashes:
[ 308641] InvokeNative: execution failed: Error executing native 0xc5f68be9613e2d18 at address 0x140a33157.
[ 308641] Error resuming coroutine: Execution of native c5f68be9613e2d18 in script host failed.
[ 308641] stack traceback:
[ 308641] [C]: in upvalue ‘_in’
[ 308641] citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_21e43a33.lua:348: in function ‘ApplyForceToEntity’
[ 308641] client.lua:28: in function
Found it in CFX