[Release] Bodged Radio | TokoVoip/MumbleVoip [Non-ESX]

Bodged Radio

« Teamspeak-powered Walkie-Talkie Script! »

«Bodged Radio» is a TokoVOIP / MumbleVOIP addon that adds a TFAR-like radio script with a 3D rendered and interactive user interface! This is a standalone addon that doesn’t require ESX or a database. If you want an ESX version, you can find a similar here.

The script is for people who play on medium-sized private servers and can’t be bothered setting up a framework like ESX or VRP. If you want permissions/restrictions, you’re going to have to code them yourself or use the ESX alternative. Great for playing with friends!



  • An interactive UI with working buttons and sounds.
  • Ninety-nine different radio channels/frequencies.
  • The ability to speak through up to 10 additional radio channels at once (useful for dispatchers).
  • Volume control.
  • Radio filter effect (comes with tokovoip)


"How do you bring up the radio? / What are the keybinds?"

The default hotkey is INSERT. Check the screenshot above for more info. For additional hotkeys read the config file.

"I can’t use continuous voice activation for proximity chat anymore!"

This is a TeamSpeak/TokoVOIP issue. The only workaround I found was to set up a macro toggle that spams the push to talk key.

"After restarting the script, I can no longer open the radio UI?"

This is a known issue. You may need to reconnect to the server.

"How do you talk? / Script doesn’t work / How to install this… "

This is an add-on for TokoVOIP TeamSpeak voice chat script. Install and set it up first, their forum post explains the process in more detail. TokoVoip uses caps lock by default for the radio, and you can set up a proximity voice chat by assigning a push to talk button on TeamSpeak.

For more information and questions regarding usage and installation, please check the TOKOVOIP forum post.


For those who don’t want to use Toko VOIP, we’ve also made a Mumble VOIP conversion. However use it at your own discretion as it’s a bit more basic and lacks some neat features such as:

  • RadioFX filter.
  • Radio animations.
  • Volume control.
  • Additional Channels. (Can’t join multiple channels at once. We may address this in a later update)


v 3.1.1 (for TokoVOIP) - bodged-radiov3.1.1-tokovoip.zip (47.7 MB)
v 3.1.1 (for mumble-voip) - bodged-radiov3.1.1-mumblevoip.zip (47.7 MB)


v 3.1.1 -
Tokovoip: Fixed secondary channels not disconnecting when the radio is off.
Mumblevoip: Initial conversion. Stripped the script of unsupported features.

v 3.1.0 - Initial Release.

Created by Callum Hughes (KNOBs)


Looks fresh

what are the keybinds to use it

"How do you turn on the radio?"

The default hotkey is INSERT. Check the screenshot above for more info.

No like to talk on it or is it just for looks

TokoVOIP uses caps-lock by default.

@KNOBs Anychance you could get this to work with mumblevoip? i refuse to use TokoVoip


Personally never used it, we’ll give it a look.

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Looks sick, ngl

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No worries. Mumble is used a lot more than TokoVoip and is a much better voice system. this radio would be amazing with mumble. let me know and im sure i could make a donation if you can do it :slight_smile:


Any reason you can’t have more channels than 100? And is it possible to allow decimals behind the first numbers? For example: 99.99

Also, nice release (forgot in post above)

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Hey Knobs this is a pretty great resource, is it possible that you can upload this to GitHub or GitLab so other people can contribute to it?

I would love to add an adaption of it for pma-voice.


is this possible for mumble?

i see a nice and clean job here, thanks for this lovely resource :heart:


Mostly just the way the script and the HTML were setup. For that kind of float, there would have to be around 10000 channels.

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We’re working on a port, but it will lack some features like radio filter effect unfortunately.


Yeah, I figured that after I tested it out in-game :stuck_out_tongue:

If our server has dispatchers who arent in game how would they communicate with the law enforcement officers?

Do you plan to port it for SaltyChat ?