[Release] Bodged Radio | TokoVoip/MumbleVoip [Non-ESX]

We’ve added mumble-voip support. Check the post! It’s got a few features missing, but it should work.

@Winter_0322 @C.Osborne

@KNOBs Would this be at all possible?

Not unless you get it to work with tokovoip yourself.

I use Mumble-Voip on my server, when I close the UI it breaks the script, any way to make it so it does not break the script. I want it so you can stay on the Radio after closing the UI.

Also did not work for Toko Voip, same issue

Are you using insert to close the UI?

please do the same for saltychat

Hey is there possibly a way to turn down the UI audio? It’s rather loud, I don’t mean the sound of other people, but when adjusting the volume, turning on the radio, adjusting the channels.

There is no way of doing it through the UI, but if you really want you can change the volume from the script.js file found in the html folder by adding these variables to the $(document).ready(function() so it looks like this:

$(document).ready(function() {

    radio.sounds.powerOn.volume = 1;    // 

    radio.sounds.powerOff.volume = 1;   // Value from 0 to 1 for beeping volume.

    radio.sounds.function.volume = 1;   //

    // .js listens for the NUI message from client.lua.

    window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {

        // When the show = "true" message is recieved

        // show the UI.

        if (event.data.show == "true") {





and to the playClick() function so it looks like this:

function playClick() {

    click = new Audio (radio.sounds.clicks[Math.floor(Math.random() * radio.sounds.clicks.length)]);

    click.volume = 1;   // Value from 0 to 1 for click volume.



Thank you for this. I’ll give it a whirl, I appreciate the fast response.

If someone has any info on why t0k0voip is suddenly censored, please dm me or let me know here. I want to get to the bottom of it.

  • Nick

Assuming you’re the same NickNoobles on Discord, I replied there however I will reply here so this post doesn’t get taken out of context.

It appears the Collective or the developer of the project has decided that they wanted the word blacklisted. This is not something that was done maliciously to negatively impact your resource. That being said, there is nothing at this time that can be said to change that decision, while it may change in the future to where that word is allowed, at this time it is not. Individuals who decide to attempt to circumvent the blacklisted words will end up having some form of moderator action taken against them.

I think you can use RadioFX filter on mumble, read this -

#SaltyChat? lol

Does it work with OneSync Infinity?

how can I deactivate my Xbox controller keybind issue every time when I press A to run the radio turns on

do you need rp-radio to go along with this?

How do I move the position of the radio and how do I make it smaller?

_IS_INPUT_DISABLED - Cfx.re Docs use this native to see if it was done with a controller