[PAID] PMA Radio Script - sm-radio

Awesome. I purchased it earlier, would it be same download or?

The previous customer link doesnt work either, on tebex btw

What was the name you purchased the script with?

RPDASHCAM is the name on there for some reason, not sure why it never changed on tebex lol

Okay, ill apply the package again. Try to download it now, it should be the previous customer one.

So basically, this can be considered like an improved version of rp-radio and this.

You did a nice job, I just personally don’t feel the need to pay/can’t justify paying ~25$ for a “slight” improvement. Also as the moderator above mentioned, asking for 5$ for an update is kinda petty, but you do you, it’s your product afterall.

Customers will still receive updates for bug fixes or minor additions/improvements. They only have to pay the $5 after the original purchase if a relatively large update is made. As I mentioned before, those “large” updates will not be common at all. This script was also made from the ground up. I understand similar scripts exist and if you like them more, then please use them instead. And it is to be noted that the price is not final and will likely be lowered in the future.

“And it is to be noted that the price is not final and will likely be lowered in the future.”

Isn’t that unfair to the people that bought it as soon as it was released?

Just about the majority of things you buy nowadays get discounted over time. You don’t see people paying $60 for a pair of phat farms or a copy of Skyrim anymore do you??

Guess ya got a point

Looks to be a great script

This is just my opinion,

I like the radio, it’s a great idea. But if you’re going to charge that much for a radio at least make it look like an actual radio. Rn tbh it kinda looks like a Toy and less of a Radio. But the great idea just poorly executed in my opinion.

This has been taken into consideration, and the price for sm-radio has been set to $12.50. Previous customers who’ve paid $20 will receive discounts to future products and possibly some other perks in the future. I’ve also decided to go ahead and allow large updates free of charge to anyone should they be added. This is my first paid release, so please bare with me.

However, the radio is based on a real radio. It just doesn’t look as glamorous as others out there. Thank you for your input :slight_smile:. I personally like the idea of a more simple look.

If you have knowledge of css you can actually change the radios look! I may provide some different css styles in the future for customers to download and replace for free.

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do you have item to add to esx_shop?

the SQL included adds the item to your item table.
run this query in your database

INSERT INTO `shops` (store, item, price) VALUES

change the “twentyfourseven” to the name of the shop you want the radio in, and the “30” is the price so change that.


Changing the open key from “m” to anything else doesn’t work for me, it still stays as “m”.

What key are you changing it to?

at first, “j” then I tried “z”

Make sure you save the file then restart the script if the server is still running.

Of course I’ve done that…