I’ve set everything up my discord permissions won’t work so I tried without using principle permission and still doesn’t work so I’m very confused
i did and samething
I´ve put the perms in server.cfg and I cant still set aop
Did u get it to work
When I log into the game the written text is in bottom left, but the config is set to top middle.
Once I restart the script it moves, however when someone else joins they see it on bottom left until i restart the script again…
Any one have issues like this?
Good script, however I am struggling setting it up with discord permissions with the AOP please help me!
i have your area of patrol script and with i cannot shoot players even if peacetime is on or off what is the problem
Having this error and can not find a way to fix it → citizen:scripting/lue/scheduler.lue:1145: No such export isRolePresent in resource discord roles
How do i get the Discord Perms to work with it
did you find a fix?
citizen:scripting/lue/scheduler.lue:1145: No such export isRolePresent in resource discord roles, any help?
Hi I’m tryna use this for my local host server but I can’t figure out how to upgrade my own permission because it wont let me use any of the commands because I “have insugnifficant permissions”
I want ot remove the
Date section of the script. How do i do that without removing the tme or the whole thing?
how do I get the set it to the top of my screen because I was moving it with in the config and it was not moving
help !!!
No matter what I do, I cannot get permissions to use the commands in my own server.
I’ve added this into the server.cfg and still nothing.
Can I get some help please?
how do i make it so its above the postal so whats the best x and y for it