Greetings, adventurers! Today, we’re thrilled to unveil a script that adds a touch of realism to your RedM server – introducing the Doctor NPC PickUp Service script!
Picture this: You’re out in the wild, exploring the vast landscapes of the Wild West when, unfortunately, your character meets an untimely end. But fear not! With the /calldoctor command, you can summon a dedicated NPC doctor to your rescue.
- Standalone (VORP-Core, RSG-Core, QB-Core, RedEm & RPX-Core)
- Can set the possible reachable hospitals in config
- Can enable / disable black bars while getting healed up by the doctor in config
- Can increase / decrease time you are getting healed up in the cinematic in config
- Can change the doctor npc model and the coords you are getting healed up in config
- Can change the online doctors which from this number and less should be online to call the doctor npc in config
- Can change the EnabledControls while getting healed up in config
- Can change the job names that are getting counted for the online doctors
in config
- You can also disable the job check from config if you want to be able to call a doctor npc regardless the doctors online
- Can change the cost of the money you give to the npc to save you
- And more!
Update 1.1 Patch Notes:
- Main camera & animation on heal up changed for copyright - license reasons new once is in the preview video
- Outdoor chairs that doctors gets you to heal you up with no cutscenes
- Discount prices on specific jobs configed to pay less money to call the doctor
- From now you can set in config the doctor to be able to come only if you do the command inside the towns
- Optimized Script
- And more!
Code is accessible | Yes (Configs Only) |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1099 |
Support | Yes |
Requirements | One of these depending on the framework you use: |
• vorp-core | |
• rsg-core | |
• qb-core | |
• redem_roleplay | |
• rpx-core |