RedEM: Roleplay gamemode | The roleplay gamemode for RedM

RedEM: Roleplay

RedEM: Roleplay

Version: 1.1.0


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RedEM: RP is a roleplay gamemode for RedEM. It focusses on compatibility, usability and utility. The gamemode itself is made of a component-based structure to make that other addons can add functionality to the gamemode.

It features the following in the gamemode itself:

  • HUD for money, level, XP and more
  • Data saving for additional data
  • Standardadized API for making additions
  • Settings and creating jobs

And using additional addons you can also do the following:

  • Character creation and multi character support
  • Respawning and spawn location selection
  • Skin changing and saving




Main contributors: @TMMplay and @amakuu
Secondary contributor/code quality assurance: @Kanersps

And of course all contributors from GitHub!


To make sure that this doesn’t turn into another ESX, releases for this project will be closely monitored to make sure that a quality standard is kept. Releases that are put into the “RedEM-RP” GitHub organisation are usually the best place to look for a quality standard.

This is also an early release to find bugs that we couldn’t find ourselves, in the near future code-quality will be improved greatly. Currently the tabs/spaces are really irregular and weird looking for example.


Awesome stuff, man. Just need proximity voice chat and we’re good to go.

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Great work! keep up! Congratz to everyone for this amazing job

Let’s goo!

Very cool. Cant wait to check this out in the coming months.

hi @Kanersps
Cool mod but I have trouble to starting it :frowning:
I got the following message in the serverlog:

Creating script environments for redem
(server) RedEM: RedM edition loaded (0.1.0)
Instantiated instance of script SQLite.Main.
Started resource redem
Warning: Resource mysql-async is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).
Could not start dependency mysql-async for resource esplugin_mysql.
Couldn’t start resource esplugin_mysql.
Warning: Resource mysql-async is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).
Couldn’t start resource mysql-async.
Stopping resource redem
Creating script environments for redem
Instantiated instance of script SQLite.Main.
(server) RedEM: RedM edition loaded (0.1.0)
Started resource redem
Creating script environments for redem_roleplay
Started resource redem_roleplay
Creating script environments for redem_identity
Started resource redem_identity

So what I do wrong?


Great work

Be sure to do what the logs say, it’s missing a file. Make it or find one, can’t really help you with either

Sorry iam a little blind. Could you please give me a hint? :slight_smile:
I followed your instructions etc.
I don’t know how to handle the dependency.
Can I ignore the warning or is this also important?

It’s my first game server ever I set up today.

what dependency it is searching for @async?

That’s what i need to know :confused:

Nice job.
but I have some problems

how to fix this?

Warning: Resource mysql-async is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).

Couldn’t start resource esplugin_mysql.
Warning: Resource mysql-async is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).
Couldn’t start resource mysql-async.

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You using a _resource file or manifest?

Awesome release brother. Got everything up and running and it’s just amazing. Can’t wait for what the future holds for RedM!

until I see it resolved … with these new files.

ensure mapmanager
ensure chat
ensure spawnmanager
ensure sessionmanager-rdr3
ensure fivem
ensure hardcap
ensure rconlog

ensure esplugin_mysql
ensure mysql-async

But now i have these errors.:

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You’d need to change the __resource.lua to make it into the required fxmanifest.lua

Example of fxmanifest.lua:

games { 'rdr3', 'gta5' }

fx_version 'adamant'
rdr3_warning '[.. replace with message from output ..]'

thx, that solves my problem but i got the next problem :frowning:

server thread hitch warning: timer interval of 175 milliseconds
Sending heartbeat to
(client) RedEM: Player activated: [S+K] verden92
Access denied for command add_principal.

I added my steam id to the principal in server.cfg:
add_principal identifier.steam:76561197960287930 group.admin # add the admin to the group

But I have everytime the error when i try to join the server.

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Hey I am getting these errors. First Script Error was when logging on. The rest are going through character creation and the identity.

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Please try using this mysql-async, instead of yours.

Thank You it worked!