RedEM: Roleplay gamemode | The roleplay gamemode for RedM

so, i also solved this with redem.

But next problem :smiley:

I connected to the server, typed in my first and lastname (RP), clicked on create and now i wait since 10 minutes in the loading screen.

whats wrong?


followed the server installation guide, now it works :slight_smile:
thx @amakuu !

hi there, i had issues with two things. First is the mysql-async-temporary.

Instruction is:
“make sure that the name of fivem-mysql-async is `mysql-async” inside the resources folder.

RedM guidance is put all custom resources in /resources/[local]/foo

Problem is that the fivem-mysql-async folder contains two folders which contain the fxmanifest.lua. RedM complains as it cannot see them at that directory level.

Thanks for any detail you can offer on installing this properly.

install guide here:
and the github guidance for each part conflict.

the git says install ‘redem_roleplay’ to /resources/[redemrp]/redem_roleplay

wiki says install it to /resources/redem_roleplay

i appreciate this is only day 2 really, so it not a big deal to have some confusion, but i’d love to get this running - thanks for all your hard work @RedMTeam

By placing the ‘async’ & ‘mysql-async’ as separate folders into the /resources/[local]/ folder i did manage to get RedM to load those after adding “ensure async” to server.cfg

This error was throwing up:
“[ERROR] ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client”

i’m using windows server 2016 & I had an error with mysql auth but that was because version 8.0 had to be installed with compatibility with 5.6 and i had to create a file in c:\my.conf


apparently it will never auth with mysql as it uses Sha2 by default.

I do appreciate i could be barking up the wrong tree here and digging my own grave :smiley:

EDIT2: I removed MySQL 8.0 and installed version 5.6

that fixed my Auth probs :heart_eyes:

i think someone said to ignore these?
(node:17004) [DEP0095] DeprecationWarning: timers.enroll() is deprecated. Please use setTimeout instead.
(node:17004) [DEP0126] DeprecationWarning: is deprecated. Please use timeout.refresh() instead.
(node:17004) [DEP0096] DeprecationWarning: timers.unenroll() is deprecated. Please use clearTimeout instead.

so close yet so far…
so now Steam is getting involved. it says i need to relaunch RedM. I have steam and rockstar launcher both signed in and running so not sure where to go from here?

If I disable Redem Resources in server.cfg i can connect to another server im using and it never asked for “steam” before?

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it’s really easy to install everything :slight_smile:
I will still need a lot of work that is still lacking and other things that over time will be a wonderful GM compliment <3

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Yeah we need to update installation guide…, we are gonna do it tommorow! So don’t worry and keep calm!


ok big thanks!

Edit: Re-downloaded everything just now, turns out I had it all correct, but i put “none” for the steam key in server.cfg

As soon as i added my key from the API, everything is working!

it does give me this in logs:
[ERROR] [MySQL] [redemrp_skin] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM skins WHERE identifier=‘steam:numbers’ AND charid=1;”: ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE: Table ‘redemrp.skins’ doesn’t exist
SCRIPT ERROR: @redemrp_skin/server/sv_main.lua:50: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘skins’)

…but i think you only just released this. maybe i need to recreate the DB?
EDIT: i’m a dumbass
Digging my own Grave again…

I found the ‘skins.sql’ in the ‘redemrp_skin’
– my bad there was no instruction but i suppose it is obvious

:heart_eyes: Thanks again!!

Character Made and stucked here

Hi there!

Skins is currently not a supported or assured resource. I advise waiting for it to be properly released first.


change in config the true to false

When trying to install mysql-async i’m getting this error in console any ideas?


Did you find a fix for this? I’m having the same issue.

Hi TheToast, for fix this, need to change your version of mysql-async :wink:

I’m using the latest release (pulled today from git). Is there some other version I should be using?

I’m using the same version used in my fivem server. Don’t know is version if, but no error in console.

Try this version :wink: Mysql-async

I think it’s some kind of conflict with the respawn resource redmrp_respawn. When I set Config.UsingRespawn = false in identity, the characters load in. Weird.

hello guys i stuck on create new character i dont have mouse any one know how can fix that?

after hours of trying nothing had happened … databases are generated connections are so … character can also be created but nothing is saved in the database because communication with mysql-async is currently not working

(client) RedEM: Player activated: [SF.L]Master 🌌
SCRIPT ERROR: @redem_roleplay/server/sv_main.lua:67: attempt to index a nil value (local 'user')
> addCharacter (@redem_roleplay/server/sv_main.lua:67)
> ref (@redem_roleplay/server/sv_main.lua:23)
> handler (@redem/server/sv_player.lua:138)
> handler (@redem_roleplay/server/sv_main.lua:22)
SCRIPT ERROR: @redemrp_skin/server/sv_main.lua:6: attempt to index a nil value (local 'user')
> ref (@redemrp_skin/server/sv_main.lua:6)
> handler (@redem_roleplay/server/sv_main.lua:83)
> handler (@redemrp_skin/server/sv_main.lua:5)

It all comes together now … however I had to adjust some things if you have similar problems or e.g. the following:

Warning: Resource redem is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).
Couldn't start resource redem.
Warning: Resource redem_roleplay is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).
Couldn't start resource redem_roleplay.

here again the current fxmanifest.lua for redem without sqlite

fx_version "adamant"
games {"rdr3"}

rdr3_warning 'I acknowledge that this is a prerelease build of RedM, and I am aware my resources *will* become incompatible once RedM ships.'

--                                     Licensed under                                     --
-- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License --

client_scripts {

server_scripts {

server_exports {

I have installed everything but im getting these few errors and not sure where to go

Warning: Resource redemrp_skin is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).
Couldn’t start resource redemrp_skin.
Warning: Resource redemrp_identity is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).
Couldn’t start resource redemrp_identity.
Warning: Resource redemrp_inventory is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).
Couldn’t start resource redemrp_inventory.

SCRIPT ERROR: @redem_roleplay/server/sv_db.lua:67: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)

ref (@redem_roleplay/server/sv_db.lua:67)

Any help would be great thanks :slight_smile:

you need this in fxmanifest.lua of your scripts

fx_version "adamant"
games {"rdr3"}

and the server must start by

bash  path/to/server/ +exec server.cfg +set gamename rdr3

i have the following in all my scripts but the error that im still having is as shown above in my previous comment.

fx_version “adamant”
games {“rdr3”}

and this is my start script


CD F:\RedMServer\server-data\cfx-server-data

START F:\RedMServer\server-files\run.cmd +exec F:\RedMServer\server-data\server.cfg +set gamename rdr3 +set sv_licenseKey goes here

UPDATE: so i fixed most of the errors i just have one last to fix but not sure where to go about it ?

SCRIPT ERROR: @redem_roleplay/server/sv_db.lua:67: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)

ref (@redem_roleplay/server/sv_db.lua:67)