Realistic Parking&Garage System

Realistic Parking&Garage System

This Script is the Garage and Parking system that includes the parking system that ensures that the player’s vehicle remains at the last point where it was left, as well as a detailed garage system.

Written Expression
If the player does not put their vehicle in the garage, the player’s vehicle will remain there until the server is restarted until the last time the server is shut down. However, leaving your vehicle outside may cause your vehicle to be damaged/towed by the police. If the player wishes, he can leave his vehicle in the garage. The player can find and remove the vehicle he left in his garage from the “Search” section, categories or my favorite vehicles tab. Before taking off, he can fill up his vehicle with gasoline, repair its faulty engine, repair broken windows and repair any damage to the body of the vehicle. The current status of the vehicle (damage, fuel amount, etc.) is recorded in the database both when parking and in the garage. When the player removes his vehicle from the garage, he pays depending on the time the vehicle remains in the garage.

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  • Parking(If the player do not puts the vehicle in the garage, the vehicle remains in its last location on the map.)
  • Parking System can be used with your garage system. (You can only use the parking feature without needing to change our existing garage script.)
  • Garage
  • Standalone
  • Save Vehicle Status
  • It Works Integrated With Every Phone scripts Valet App.
  • Very Detailed Config
  • Detailed Docs
  • Super Optimized (Client: 0.0 - Server:0.0 | Every Time)

Other Resources of Pixel Studio!

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2500
Requirements None
Support Yes

The legend seems to have caught fire!

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Nice ui as usual :heart:

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Careful and quality work :bomb:

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very standard, I could not see any difference from other scripts!

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WOW it’s really nice and thinked well, will be buying it for sure!

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except that the OS vertsion costs 5 times less

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Would this act like Kiminaze’s Advanced Parking, with permanent vehicles? :slight_smile:

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Hello, I couldn’t find the system you mentioned, but it ensures that your vehicle remains there even if the server is restart, no matter where you last left your vehicle on the map.

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Thank you for your comment,

First of all, the most important difference is that if you do not put your vehicle in the garage, your vehicle will always remain in the same location (even if the server is restarted). In addition, VISIBLE damage (dents, missing parts, scratches) of the vehicle are recorded in the database. In this way, unless the player has his vehicle repaired, his vehicle will always remain damaged. Payment is made according to the time the vehicle is in the garage. And all of this adds realism to the player’s experience.

Apart from these, the shortcuts and features you can see in the UI will make it easier to use.

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It’s a real vehicle persistency, that’s it? :slight_smile:

Yes sir, In addition, there is a garage system. However, if you do not want to use our garage system and want to use your existing garage system, you can also just use realistic vehicle persistency.

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I’m really looking for a complete system with persistency, a good garage management that is still somehow realistic and not too permissive, and the best would be a working key item on top of that!

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If so, pixel-garage fully meets your wishes! We can make the key integrated for you. This is a pretty simple process. We never break our customers’ requests :innocent:

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Dear, you got me too at “parking fee”, I’ll try your system, thank you for being thoughtful

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Nice ui as usual :heart:


Beautiful and different content is tremendous :heart_eyes:


Nice ui greatt


great work

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