Boost Syringes (Health, Damage, Adrenaline)

damage ( (9)

Written Expression
The player can strengthen herself for a short tiem by using one of the syringes containing 4 diffrent speed, damage, health, an all of them

Damage Syringe:
It increases the damage the player deals with specified weapons by 2 times for a specified period of time.

Health Syringe:
The player’s health is doubled for a certain period of time. When the effect expires, it returns to its previous state.

Adrenaline Syringe:
The player’s stamina does not run out for the specified duration of the effect and his running speed is doubled.

X Syringe:
Damage, Health, Adrenaline Gives all boosts given by Surges for a specified period of time.

Preview - Click Me!

TEBEX - Purhcase! (Escrowed) 11.99€ 7.99€

TEBEX - Purhcase! (Open Source) 17.99€ 14.99€


  • 4 Diffrent Boost Syringes
  • Images for Items
  • %99 Standalone
  • Detailed Config File
  • Realistic Animations
  • Cool Screen Effects
  • Super Synchronized
  • Super Optimized (0.01 for All Time)

Other Resources of Pixel Studio!

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements None
Support Yes

Nice script


Very nice!


good script


best unique script :cowboy_hat_face:


For anyone interested, heres the snippet for the injection animation and prop - Syringe Animation - FiveM (Weird) · GitHub


Thanks for all comments! :heart_eyes:

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Visual effects are very nice

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verry good nice script +rep

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So uh I guess the 1% that is not standalone is that it requires QBcore. This is a QBCORE script…where was that mentioned… ah well only $10 wasted…

Hello sir. If you contact us via ticket from ourn discord server, we will provide the necessary integrations regardless of your framework. Our support is active 24/7.
We do not victimize any of our customers.


  • You can create syringes basicly with Syringe Creator Menu!
  • Syringes is now can craftable!
  • Minor bugs has been fixed.
  • Config Detailed More