Written Expression
The player can strengthen herself for a short tiem by using one of the syringes containing 4 diffrent speed, damage, health, an all of them
Damage Syringe:
It increases the damage the player deals with specified weapons by 2 times for a specified period of time.
Health Syringe:
The player’s health is doubled for a certain period of time. When the effect expires, it returns to its previous state.
Adrenaline Syringe:
The player’s stamina does not run out for the specified duration of the effect and his running speed is doubled.
X Syringe:
Damage, Health, Adrenaline Gives all boosts given by Surges for a specified period of time.
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TEBEX - Purhcase! (Escrowed) 11.99€ 7.99€
TEBEX - Purhcase! (Open Source) 17.99€ 14.99€
- 4 Diffrent Boost Syringes
- Images for Items
- %99 Standalone
- Detailed Config File
- Realistic Animations
- Cool Screen Effects
- Super Synchronized
- Super Optimized (0.01 for All Time)
Other Resources of Pixel Studio!
Map Editor V2 (Best Seller)
Border Officer Job (Papers, Please Inspired)
Billboard Renting / IN-Game Adversting
Bury Dead Players
- Realistic Parking and Garage System
- Marketplace / Bazaar System
- Realistic Rent a Car
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 300 |
Requirements | None |
Support | Yes |