[QB/Qbox/ESX] JG Advanced Garages v3 - Beautiful public, private, job & gang garages with impound

The most popular* premium garage script available for FiveM, Advanced Garages v3 takes the garage experience to a whole new level. Public, private, house, job and gang garages in addition to a fully featured impound system. Compatible with QBCore, Qbox, ESX Legacy and boasting dozens of out the box integrations with scripts from your favourite creators, you’ll quickly realise why we are the garage script of choice for the best FiveM servers.


Here is the TL;DR of what JG Advanced Garages v3 has to offer. If you are looking for more detail, there is a more detailed outline later in this post!

  • :gem: User-Friendly: Intuitive interface with physical and menu-based interactions, vehicle previews, and easy transfers.
  • :zap: High Performance: Optimized for large servers (300+ plyr), includes security features like duplication and spawn pileup protection.
  • :red_car: Unlimited Locations: Create and manage numerous garage locations with flexible vehicle access.
  • :airplane: For All Vehicles: Supports cars, boats, and aircraft with dedicated impound areas.
  • :sparkles: Interactive Interiors: Optional detailed interiors for vehicle viewing and interaction.
  • :construction: Configurable Impound: Set impound conditions, costs, and wait times, restricted by job.
  • :toolbox: Job/Gang Garages: Job and gang-specific garages with customization options; compatible with QBCore.
  • :house_with_garden: Private Garages: Integrates with housing scripts for easy management of private garages.
  • :computer: Admin Tools: Comprehensive commands for vehicle management.
  • :blush: Easy Setup: Online configuration tool for hassle-free setup, loads of third-party script integrations.
  • :earth_americas: Translations: 12+ languages out of the box, can also add custom locales
  • :orange_heart: Support: Lifetime updates at no extra cost, 7-day refund policy, and 7-day-a-week personalized support.

Showcase & Walkthrough


Purchase the script!

Tebex: https://store.jgscripts.com/package/5126524

This script is protected by FiveM’s Asset Escrow.


Need More Information?

Here is a detailed breakdown of everything JG Advanced Garages v3 has to offer your players.

:gem: Intuitive & Fun to Use

Super easy to use, and awesome to look at. Your players will love the immersive experience with both physical garage interiors as well as via a menu. See vehicle thumbnail previews, impound status, rename your vehicles, search, transfer vehicles to your friends and so much more.

:zap: Performance & Security

Designed with performance in mind, Advanced Garages v3 is the best choice for high population servers looking for a highly optimised, secure and performant garage solution. Features such as vehicle duplication protection, spawn pileup protection and logging make moderation a breeze. Rigorously tested on servers with 300+ active players with minimal resource usage.

:red_car: Infinite Garage Locations

Create as many garage locations as you’d like and choose whether players can take a vehicle from any garage, must visit the vehicle’s last location, or let them transfer between garages.

:airplane: Car, boat and air garages

Not just for cars! Create separate boat and air garages for all garage types, including impounds for a realistic and immersive experience.

:sparkles: Garage Interiors

View your entire car collection in-person with our (optional) interors feature. Players can walk into their garage, look around their cars and simply jump in and drive it away. When entering a vehicle, a useful stats HUD appears with vehicle details such as fuel and damage.

:construction: Vehicle Impound

Individually configurable impound locations, restricted by job. Whitelisted members can impound vehicles and set a reason, retrieval cost or restrict self-retrieval and even set a time that the vehicle owner must wait.

:toolbox: Job & Gang Garages

Set up job locked garages that can store personal vehicles, database stored shared job vehicles, or simple spawners to create new vehicles on demand. Highly configurable, with additional optional menu to set liveries, extras, and performance modifications. Please note: Gang garages are only supported out of the box with QBCore & Qbox.

:house_with_garden: Private Garages

Use of our many housing script integrations to bring garages to player houses or other private locations. Need a one-off garage for a player or a small group of players? Simply use our in-game private garages manager - which makes it easy to create, edit or delete private garages on the fly and will instantly sync for players to use right away.

:computer: Admin commands

Lots of admin commands available, such as /admincar for adding vehicles to your garage on older versions of ESX, /vreturn, /vplate and /dvdb.

:blush: Super Easy Setup

It just works. With our unique JG Configurator, you can configure the tool using an intuitive UI and never have to touch any code. Plus, dozens of out of the box integrations with scripts from your favourite creators mean you can spend more time creating an amazing experience for your players, and less time in a code editor.

:orange_heart: Support

Be confident in your purchase. Receive free updates for life (we did not charge for v2 or v3 and will not for future updates), as well as our renowned, high quality support. JG Scripts has been around for over 2 years and offers personalised, 7 days a week support to all customers from our large support team. If anything goes wrong, we offer a 7 day refund policy if we just can’t fix your particular issue, or if you just change your mind.

* According to 5Metrics (July 2024) with an install base of 2,179 servers; the largest of any paid script with the keyword ‘garage’.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~3500 excl. web, config & locales
Requirements QB/Qbox/ESX Legacy, oxmysql, ox_lib
Support Yes

Liked this? Check out my other scripts!

[QB/QBox/ESX] JG Mechanic - Tuning, Stancing, Engine Swaps, NOS, Dyno & more
[QB/Qbox/ESX] JG Dealerships - Self service or player owned, display vehicles, financing, test drives and more!


Amazing Garage system, So much cleaner, and more information where you need it. Hated it when a car was impounded and didn’t tell me the time left.


esx in future ?

Focusing on QBCore development at the moment I’m afraid, probably not going to build ESX scripts for the time being

Edit: ESX version will be coming at some point :slight_smile:

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v1.0.1 released

  • Ability to configure key binding and label for 3D text overlays
  • Ability to disable transfers between garages, players or both
  • Ability to add custom code via config-client.lua to certain events in the script: take out vehicle, impound vehicle, insert vehicle
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Is this compatible with loaf housing?

I don’t own loaf housing, but after some research they only support their own garage system. I will be adding snippets for Quasar Housing soon though.

There is a built in (and job whitelist-able) command to create private garages though, so you could still create garages for player houses outside of loaf’s script :slight_smile:

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Nice job !looking Great !

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Thank you!!! I am looking into switching housing anyways so, ayy~ I’ll check out that housing and then pick this up ! Thanks!

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Super simple to set up, all the features (and more) that I would expect from a garage system.

Really like the way job vehicles are set up in this compared to how other scripts do it.
Makes it so much easier to have society owned vehicles!

Looking forward to getting that scoreboard when you’re done with it :wink:

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v1.0.2 released

  • Improved run.sql
  • You can now switch from the default fuel system (LegacyFuel) in config-client.lua

v1.1 major update released!

  • Gang garages
  • Multiple impounds
  • New configuration options: currency symbol, disable vehicle damage, stackable blips
  • Bug fixes and optimisation
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v1.1.1 patch release

  • Fixed the player transfer bug :slight_smile:
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if this used polyzone and maybe target or radial menu i would be all over this

v1.2 major release

  • Option to prevent infinite vehicle spawning!
  • Polishing and a huge amount of bug fixes
  • Open garage better behaviour in multi-floor parking garages
  • Rewritten user interface for a smoother experience and better future updates
  • QB phone integration
  • Locales (English and Dutch, more to come + customisable)
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v1.2.1 patch update!

  • Job garage blip labels now display properly; and setting them to unstacked will not crash the script
  • Fixed player offline bug with creating private garages
  • Fixed glitchy vehicle spawn/inaccurately located private garages on script restarts
  • Ability to customise DrawText3D in config-client.lua
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v1.3 update + now available for ESX!

  • Option to set a job garages or gang garages as a vehicle spawner instead of owned vehicles
  • Impound types (car, sea, air), no reliance on shared, improved code
  • Improved damage saving
  • Customise QBCore export in Config
  • Admins can use /createprivategarage
  • Add config-client.lua callbacks for vehicle keys on vehicle take out and transfer
  • Improvements to user interface, including look and feel
  • Fixed bug where vehicles could be duplicated via client restart or via another client
  • Take out vehicle from impound tracks vehicle and prevents duplicate spawning from public garage
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v1.3.1 update!

  • qs-housing integration (Integrations - JG Scripts Docs)
  • Vehicles are now spawned server side for vehicle persistence and higher reliability
  • Fix gang garage insert/spawning errors
  • Fix qb-phone always displaying “Not in garage”
  • Fix spawn pileup for job & gang garages
  • Fix other vehicles deleting when infinite spawning enabled
  • Fix vehicle damaging applying when save damage set to false
  • Fix UI showing “return & drive” and charging ‘towing’ fee when infinite spawns enabled
  • Fix vehicles not deleting in rare occasions
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v1.3.2 patch release

  • Add vehicleModel to some config-client.lua callbacks for maximum 3rd party script compatibility
  • Fix accordion glitch when using vehicle spawners with duplicate plates
  • Admin command for returning a vehicle back to garage in case of glitch or irretrievable
  • Fix issue with vehicles coming out with random damage; or damaging still applying when setting SaveVehicleDamage = false
  • Added Czech, Danish, German & Lithuanian languages, credit to our awesome community :slight_smile:

v1.4 update

  • Min rank for owned job/gang vehicles
  • Ability to turn off blips for individual garages (hideBlip = true )
  • Blips and 3D text thread code is now unencrypted (config-threads.lua )
  • Return tax and impound fees can be configured to go into a society fund
  • Fix temporary blip size issue when creating a new private garage
  • Transfer button is now hidden after turning off all transfer options