[PED] Jonson Lost MC "Meta Human"

GTA 5 FiveM community, it’s time to upgrade your game! :fire:

Our premade custom peds are now up for grabs on Tebex.
Show off your individuality with these one-of-a-kind character models, easy to add to your game.


:green_circle: PREVIEW

:shopping_cart: WHERE TO PURCHASE

WEBSITE : https://fivempeds.com/
TEBEX : https://pewe.tebex.io/

Available for Subscribtion or Standalone


nb: if you are unsure about how to purchase or install a product on your FiveM server, please don’t hesitate to contact your server development team for assistance.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based Yes/No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes
Escrow Yes