PataMods | Mermaid Race ! [STANDALONE]


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Hey everyone !

I reaaaally wanted to make something like that a long time ago, so I convinced @sarish to make it for PataMods hehe !

This is a mermaid race: dress yourself like the Daughter&Son of the oceans, pass the points underwater first to win the race. It’s open source, so feel free to modify it as you want :slight_smile:
It’s Standalone, so you don’t need a specific framework to use it.

Script by @Sarish
If you have any suggest for a futur free script, please, let me know ! (standalone)

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In this script you can find:

  • A Mermaid Race
  • Mermaid outfit for female and male: 2x different Mermaid tail (lowr), 2x hats (mask) and 2x top (jbib)
  • A read me files to explain clothes


  • In this script, you can breathe underwater. we are also improving with your character’s stamina = So this means that it can conflict with your Gym mods, any skills mod in general, Scuba diving script etc.
    Feel free to DM me for any support.
  • Very important things : My Clothes are ADDON CLOTHES. The folder is already made and it’s plug&play, BUT YOU NEED TO HAVE this enforce set sv_enforceGameBuild 2612 (put it in your server.cfg) to haven’t any conflict if you already have others addon clothes. (If you know what you do, you can make it as a remplacement.)

  • Check our config to adapt the clothing slot to your clothing shop !

Screenshots Clothes

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Requirements and Installation

  • Just simply drag and drop our clothing folder and our script in your resource folder, start it and enjoy !

  • Standalone, so you don’t need a special framework

  • Server artifact version latest recommended to run this script

  • set sv_enforceGameBuild 2612 to avoid any problem with addon clothes (deleted your old build)

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► Video & Download

►►►► Youtube Video
►►►► Download (15.0 MB)

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Check my others mods !

I have a lot of stuff, feel free to check my profil :heart:

Code is accessible Yes
Paid or Free FREE
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) Around 1100 lines
Requirements Read above please :heart:
Support Contact me on DM !

Cool release! :partying_face:

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wooow you doing real good job all the time and that amazing resource for free :slight_smile:

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i suggest you create a github repository to host the files, at least if someone wants to help and improve your script they can do it directly from there

@gaudeee @Joonab Thank you so much guys :pleading_face: Hope you’ll enjoy it :heart:

@XenoS.exe I don’t want to use github, I prefer the interaction on the FiveM forum. (And to be honest, I don’t understand much about this website lol)
Feel free to upload your modifications here ! :heart: :slight_smile:

(Don’t forget to redownlaod the files, I forgot to upload the clothes with the mod LOL)

I neat script for sellings my vehicle to other players would be nice

Thanks for your sugges @porterslug !
But i’m pretty sure that it already exists in free and paid (and it’s not standalone :frowning: )
We try to make quite original scripts, so don’t hesitate to give completely crazy ideas! Everything is possible on FiveM :slight_smile:

i would love to see the del perro pier in action.:heart: i mean the ferris wheel and the roller coaster as also the free fall tower an stuff. some scripts were WIP but where never ended :frowning: so after this beautiful race the players can let the evening end on the pier to after to enjoy the sunset :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Well this is… different. Interesting release! :green_heart:


Looks good. Nice release.

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its really nice thank you making it free

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Nice release

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Thanks guys for all your comment :heart:
Hope you’ll enjoy this little mermaid race :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Great job!

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Add rng for hostile shark spawn chance

Funny release! :rofl: