PataMods - Wedding Dress 2022

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Hey everyone !

I wanted to make a new wedding dress, so here’s my little contribution to the FiveM community !
(More free stuff soon ! (script & clothes))

I don’t really know what to do in clothes this time, so If you have any suggestions for some free stuff, please feel free to tell me :purple_heart:

10 Textures available for this dress !
I recommend to use the invisible leg and shoes.

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WeddingDressPataMods.7z (9.1 MB)

More Screenshots Textures

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Check my others mods if you want :heart: !


Which dlc do I have to set for it because there is nothing in mp_f_freemode_01_female_freemode_hipster ???

@Runa_and_Rebell What ? I never talked about this dlc ^^
But if you want to see how to rename it as a remplacement or ADDON, please open my read me inside the download: You have a lot of tutorials who explain it very well ! (My english isn’t that good, so it’s better if you follow those tuto)