[PAID] [STANDALONE] HeadFriend (No longer available)

Important note: There was recently a post about this script being given away for free. I would like to say that as new to selling resources, I am very disappointed that some developers in this community offend the work of other developers, even though everyone is free to do so, I emphasize respecting each other’s work without belittling it, mentioning it as “little job” or things like that.

The only thing I do is give the community an alternative and value my work at a small cost, I also have free and paid resources.

Although the OX library was used, I delivered a solution that was not in the community, only the interfaces and player search functions were used. The logic behind this resource is its own and is more than 80% of it.

Before making any criticism in terms of valuing the work of others, I invite you to try it. I am a human and I will listen to all suggestions to improve.

Introducing our advanced friend system! This system is fully customizable to suit your needs and does not require a kernel.

It can be adapted to work in any environment, making it perfect for any server. With a modern design thanks to OxLib.

This system has been inspired by GTA Hub’s own friend system.

Own Features

  • Standalone & Customizable
  • KVP / Database storage
  • Friend Menu
  • Sync friends
  • Work with multi-characters
  • Works with any framework
  • Translations
  • Encrypted with Escrow
  • Works with OneSync
  • Resmon: 0.00 - 0.04ms (in use)


  • Custom friend menu
  • Custom admin friend menu

Extra details:

  • Work with OxLib (Interfaces & search logic)
  • Work with OxTarget
  • The support will be specialized to improve the system and provide help to users as well as listen to suggestions.

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[FREE] [STANDALONE] HeadFriend v1.1 - Gta HUB inspired friend system - FiveM Resource Development & Modding / Releases - Cfx.re Community

Others releases

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600+
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes

wow great job. amazing script, I have been waiting for this for a long time :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Can you open it up to where esx names can be used instead of steam names?

Of course it is possible!

In server/custom/functions.lua you can wrap the getUserHeadName function where it returns the custom username. Remember to set the ‘Config.FriendAPI_UseCustomId’ option to true for the function to take effect.

OP request