[Paid] Real-Time Weather Sync [STANDALONE]

This is script that sync’s real-life weather conditions and real-life time with ingame conditions and time! (for example if it’s raining in Munich, it will rain in-game too, same for time)


  • Sync In Game weather conditions with real weather! (for example if it’s Raining in Belgrade it will rain in game too!)
  • Sync in game time with real-time! ( for example if it’s 13:00 pm in Belgrade it will be 13:00 pm in game too!)
  • This script is fully optimized, 0.00ms resmon.


Config = {}

Config.City = 'London' -- City where you want weather to get from, you can also use coordinates (lattitude and longitude) for example City="47.159809,27.587200"?


  • Last Updated: 10/15/2023
  • Built On: Standalone
  • Type: Escrow FiveM Encyption

DISCLAIMER: You must turn off every other weather sync script!

DISCLAIMER 2: Time isnt accurate in minute, it have max 5 mins delay, for example if it is 23:30 in real life in game can be somewhere between 23:25 and 23:30.


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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 120
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Whats different from this?

And what is with realtime? Did this work too when i deactivate vSync?

You should stop vSync if this weathersync is started.

I have bought ur Discord bot script but it is offline, can u help me and fix it???

Sending this error. Temp and weather don’t sync

Error since few days?

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DM us, we will be happy to help you there!

Please DM us, we will be happy to help you there!

Send us a DM, we will help you there!

same error here
all of a sudden im getting index nil value “tablica”

i havent changed anything in my config, api key is still good…

script dosent work all of a sudden

ive discovered the issue

the problem is the api key

the website api ninja that the developer uses has limits a 10,000 requests limit on the basic api key.

since the resource is grabbing weather/time every 2 minutes its using up 720 of those requests a day.

this means after 13 days you will hit the limit of 10,000 api requests and the resource will stop working as intended. (you COULD buy a api key from the site OR reduce the number of calls but that means its not real time anymore)

im not sure if there is a better alternative api for grabbing time and weather that wont hit a throttle with the usage this resource uses.

for example openweathermap allows for 1000 calls a day

or for example timeapi dosent specify a limit to requests (since your grabbing the time every 2 mins this is what will make you hit that limit faster)

It would be nice if we can choose time only, weather only or both together