[PAID] OT Skills

An advanced skill system with UI built with react and chakra.

Struggling to add progression to your server? Players want something to work towards? our skill system is the ideal solution. Whether you want to build up your strength and become the king of the ring, Get your stamina up so you never get caught by cops again or perfect your drug manufacturing to produce the finest drugs Los Santos has seen, our skill system can accommodate it all. It integrates with the built in GTA skill system for general skills such as shooting, stamina and strength. We also have a built in diving/oxygen tank system. Our custom strength system affects your players damage when punching and using melee weapons, the higher the level the more damage. See the preview for more details on each system.

  • Exports to get players skills on both server and client. Add XP from the server via exports or via client events.
  • Fully Responsive interface created with REACT and Chakra UI.
  • Highly Configurable. Add as many skills as you want via the config. or alternatively you can use exports to register skills from other scripts on server startup. (You do not need to edit the UI etc, new skills will automatically be displayed)
  • Extremely optimised. (0.00-0.02ms on both server and client. does not perform SQL queries every time a player gains XP etc.)
  • Will work with any framework/script if setup correctly. all framework related functions are open-source. (Pre-configured to support ESX and QB)
  • We have many upcoming scripts such as a crafting system, multiplayer jobs etc. They will all integrate seamlessly with our skill system.

Config Example

Config = {}

Config.Framework = 'ESX' -- ESX | QBCORE 
Config.saveInterval = 5 -- minutes between saves
Config.useStrengthSkillEffects = true
Config.useStaminaSkillEffects = true
Config.useDivingSkillEffects = true
Config.shootingpracModels = {
    [`prop_range_target_01`] = true,
    [`prop_range_target_02`] = true,
    [`prop_range_target_03`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_02b`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_04a`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_04b`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_04c`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_04d`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_05a`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_05b`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_05c`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_05d`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_w_02a`] = true,
    [`gr_prop_gr_target_w_02b`] = true

Config.skills = {
    ['drugs'] = {
        multiplier = 2.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        description = 'Plant, tend, harvest, cut, refine and package quality illegal substances.'
    ['crafting'] = {
        multiplier = 2.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        description = 'Highly skilled craftsmen are able to make fully functional and/or decorative items.'
    ['chemistry'] = {
        multiplier = 2.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        description = 'Experienced chemists can concoct the finest ingredients for high quality chemical reactions.'
    ['stamina'] = {
        multiplier = 2.0,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        gtaSkill = true,
        cooldown = 10000,
        description = 'Raise your endurance to overcome any obstacle.'
    ['strength'] = {
        multiplier = 2.0,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        gtaSkill = true,
        cooldown = 5000,
        description = 'Ensure you are in the best possible shape to overcome any opponent.'
    ['driving'] = {
        multiplier = 1.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        gtaSkill = true,
        cooldown = 15000,
        description = 'Take full control of every vehicle on any terrain ahead.'
    ['diving'] = {
        multiplier = 1.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 50,
        cooldown = 10000,
        description = 'Plunge head-first into the seas, explore the depths and expand your lung capacity.'
    ['shooting'] = {
        multiplier = 1.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        gtaSkill = true,
        cooldown = 5000,
        description = 'Showcase your marksmanship by discharging your firearm at various targets.'
    ['gunsmithing'] = {
        multiplier = 2.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        description = 'A master gunsmith can assemble and modify even the rarest of firearms.'
    ['woodcutting'] = {
        multiplier = 2.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        description = 'Lumberjacks can produce the highest quality timber.'
    ['mixology'] = {
        multiplier = 2.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        description = 'Mixologists have the ability to make and serve superior beverages.'
    ['cooking'] = {
        multiplier = 2.5,
        maxlevel = 30,
        maxReward = 20,
        description = 'Express your culinary expertise in the kitchen; bake, grill, roast, steam or boil your ingredients to create the perfect dish.'


Open source



Code is accessible Mix
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 800 +
Requirements ox_lib, oxmysql
Support Yes

Other scripts:
Hide In Trunk


the skill function 40€ you have to think about it before, if it were open sources maybe

You don’t quite understand the resource I guess. There is nothing with this functionality currently on the market… this is not just some static jQuery rubbish. This is fully reactive. Skills populate the UI automatically. All people need to do is add a skill in the config or register one from another resource using the provided export, it works with any framework or script and has documentation to assist. It’s not 40 euros either. That’s your tax for your country being added to the price.


Is there a possiblity to degrade a skill? if for example I wanna make a system that if player does accident it reduces his driving skills etc.


Currently there isn’t. But I should be able to push an update with the next couple hours to accommodate that though



  • Pushed an update to allow for xp removal and updated the documentation.
  • Also Added Support for ox_core by default.

Great job! Will be purchasing in near future for my personal RP server.


Hello there. Nice script! Can we have some informations about the resmon ?

its in the main post.

Oh yes, sorry. I don’t see. Tks :smiley: