Interactive lumberjack job
Interactive lumberjacking job for your roleplay server. Players want to get away from the hustle of the city? or just want to take out there anger? Send them to the lumber yard for some tree chopping therapy! Even better, the more they chop the more they earn with the built-in XP and levelling system. All settings are configurable and it supports multiple zones. I have protected the server events and added server sided per-client spam prevention to prevent bad actors spamming SQL queries. This was developed for and is used on my own server so has been tested in a live environment.
There are updates planned to add to the system so the lumberyard has stock which can then be tied in with other jobs such as trucking etc.
[Config preview]
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.cleanupTime = 5 -- cleanup timer in minutes
Config.BasePay = 200 -- base pay without skill level bonus
Config.RankPayMultiplier = 10 -- this number * skill level is added to the basepay.
Config.MaxSkillRank = 30 -- max skill level
Config.skillMultiplier = 2.5 -- multiplier of xp per level, higher number means it will take longer to level up
Config.hackEvent = '' -- Event to trigger when a player is suspected of abusing server event.
Config.Zones = {
['cedar'] = {
coords = vector3(-514.27, 5464.43, 80.66), -- coordinates for middle of harvesting zone
propOffset = 2.1, -- prop Z offset
dropoff = vector3(-510.17, 5269.21, 80.0), -- drop off point to drop off full trailer of logs.
mechanicCoords = vector3(-567.63, 5254.76, 69.5), -- vehicle ped location
mechanicHeading = 67.0, -- vehicle ped heading
mechanicPed = 'S_M_M_AutoShop_02', -- vehicle ped model
vehicle = 'bison', -- vehicle to spawn
vehicleCoords = vector3(-580.55, 5257.35, 69.5), -- vehicle spawn location
vehicleHeading = 330.0, -- vehicle spawn heading
trailerCoords = vector3(-583.389831, 5251.874023, 70.456832), -- trailer spawn location
trailerHeading = 334.0, -- trailer spawn heading
prop = 'test_tree_cedar_trunk_001', -- tree prop to be used
spawnAmount = 25, -- amount of trees to spawn
item = 'cedar_log', -- item to be given to player
itemAmount = 1, -- amount of logs to give to player
xpReward = 5, -- xp reward for harvesting a tree
cutTime = 15000, -- time in milliseconds to cut a tree
name = 'Cedar trees', -- blip name
color = 25, -- blip color
sprite = 311, -- blip sprite
radius = 0.0 -- radius of blip
} -- Add more Zones below. multiple zones supported.
Script is protected using tebex escrow system.
Open source
Code is accessible | Partially |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 650+ |
Requirements | Qtarget, ESX Legacy, OxMySQL |
Support | Yes |
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