Most Advance & Unique Drug Selling System
Buy Here
- Supports Ox_Inventory & QBCore
- Fully Customizable by Config File
- Negotiate System with a chance of losing the entire deal
- Use Telephone Booths to Find Clients
- Use Trap Phones to Find Clients
- Discord WebHooks
- Much More Features
Config.AttackPlayer = true -- if true then when you cancel the drug sell the NPC might start punching you.
Config.CallPoliceChance = 75 -- The chance the sell has to call the cops
Config.Currency = 'money' -- Currency you want to give
Config.img = "ox_inventory/web/images" -- Image directory of your inventory script
Config.Dispatch = "ps"
Config.WebHook = 'PUT_YOUR_WEBHOOK_HERE' -- Webhook here for logs of each player who makes a sale
Config.Drugs = {
weed_whitewidow = { -- Item spawn code
label = 'White Widow', -- Item Name
RequiredCops = 1, -- Amount of cops needed to run this product
MinCount = 1, -- the min amount that can be done per run
MaxCount = 6, -- the max amount that can be done per run
MinPrice = 350, -- mquiin amount of money you get per product
MaxPrice = 800, -- max amount of money you get per product
BetterDealChance = 75 -- Chance of getting a better deal when negotiating
weed_ogkush = {
label = 'OG Kush',
RequiredCops = 1,
MinCount = 1,
MaxCount = 3,
MinPrice = 100,
MaxPrice = 500,
BetterDealChance = 50
weed_skunk = {
label = 'Skunk',
RequiredCops = 1,
MinCount = 1,
MaxCount = 3,
MinPrice = 100,
MaxPrice = 350,
BetterDealChance = 50
weed_amnesia = {
label = 'Amnesia',
RequiredCops = 1,
MinCount = 1,
MaxCount = 3,
MinPrice = 100,
MaxPrice = 550,
BetterDealChance = 50
weed_purplehaze = {
label = 'Purple Haze',
RequiredCops = 1,
MinCount = 1,
MaxCount = 3,
MinPrice = 100,
MaxPrice = 450,
BetterDealChance = 50
weed_ak47 = {
label = 'AK47',
RequiredCops = 1,
MinCount = 1,
MaxCount = 3,
MinPrice = 50,
MaxPrice = 750,
BetterDealChance = 50
crack_baggy = {
label = 'Crack Baggy',
RequiredCops = 1,
MinCount = 1,
MaxCount = 3,
MinPrice = 50,
MaxPrice = 800,
BetterDealChance = 50
cokebaggy = {
label = 'Coke Baggy',
RequiredCops = 1,
MinCount = 1,
MaxCount = 3,
MinPrice = 150,
MaxPrice = 950,
BetterDealChance = 50
meth = {
label = 'Meth',
RequiredCops = 1,
MinCount = 1,
MaxCount = 3,
MinPrice = 300,
MaxPrice = 1250,
BetterDealChance = 50
Config.Phones = {
Config.NPCCoords = {
vector4(-718.89, -884.36, 23.83, 267.76),
vector4(-678.64, -923.79, 23.08, 52.46),
vector4(-544.32, -762.58, 30.7, 4.19),
vector4(-504.46, -594.86, 25.45, 182.15),
vector4(-573.95, -636.79, 31.17, 17.36),
vector4(-242.12, -321.72, 29.99, 282.08),
vector4(-326.02, -252.88, 34.39, 230.9),
vector4(-386.77, -155.99, 38.53, 343.12),
vector4(-107.57, -67.14, 56.37, 340.67),
vector4(-272.32, 32.56, 54.75, 249.14),
vector4(480.98, -1863.76, 27.09, 203.84),
vector4(532.53, -1935.26, 24.99, 211.21),
vector4(478.24, -2016.93, 24.13, 333.39),
vector4(246.1, -1966.07, 21.96, 239.09),
vector4(-39.04, -1757.36, 29.49, 46.2),
vector4(141.71, -1698.18, 29.29, 318.44),
vector4(176.66, -1514.34, 29.26, 138.59),
vector4(368.05, -1271.73, 32.7, 141.27),
vector4(244.02, -1192.46, 29.31, 181.02),
vector4(-24.71, -1003.28, 29.28, 178.09),
vector4(1.86, -1024.55, 28.96, 110.76),
Config.NPCPeds = {
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 500 |
Requirements | ox_inventory, ox_target, QBCore |
Support | Yes |
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