Most Advance & Unique Backpack / Pockets System
Buy Here (QBCORE)
Buy Here (ESX)
- Supports Ox Inventory & QBCore / ESX
- Fully Customizable by Config File
- Uses SQL to save the pockets the player has
- Removeable Pockets
- Much More Features
Config.Notifications = "ox" -- qb / ox
Config.Command = "removepockets"
Config.Pockets = {
["backpack_tier1"] = {
MaxWeight = 35000,
MaxSlots = 35,
Drawable = {5, 44, 0},
["backpack_tier2"] = {
MaxWeight = 50000,
MaxSlots = 45,
Drawable = {5, 44, 0},
["backpack_tier3"] = {
MaxWeight = 75000,
MaxSlots = 55,
Drawable = {5, 44, 0},
["backpack_tier4"] = {
MaxWeight = 100000,
MaxSlots = 65,
Drawable = {5, 44, 0},
["backpack_tier5"] = {
MaxWeight = 125000,
MaxSlots = 75,
Drawable = {5, 44, 0},
Strings = {
PocketsEquipped = "Pockets Equipped.",
AlreadyEquipped = "You Already Equipped a Pocket.",
SuccessfullyRemoved = "Successfully Removed.",
DonthavePocket = "You dont have a Pocket."
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 250 |
Requirements | QBCore, Ox_inventory |
Support | Yes |
Other Resources:
Oxy Run
Most Advance & Unique Drug Selling System
Mining Script
Money Wash Script
Black Market Script