[PAID] πŸ’Š Advanced Oxy Run | [QB] [ESX]

Oxy Run Script


Buy Here (QBCORE)

Escrowed Tebex

Open Source Tebex

Buy Here (ESX)

Escrowed Tebex

Open Source Tebex


  • Supports Ox Inventory & QBCore OR ESX
  • Highly Configurative
  • Require a Minimum Police on Duty to start job
  • Exchange Dirty Money for clean money
  • Chance of Calling Police & compatible with ps-dispatch, core-dispatch, and qs-dispatch
  • Cooldowns
  • Cost to start Job
  • Chance of Getting Oxy, Money, or a Random Special Item as a Reward
  • Supplier locations are randomized with each run, and the boss location changes with every restart
  • Send Emails, You can turn of feature off in the config. Supports Multiple Phones
  • Props
  • Much More Features
Config = {}

Config.Notifications = "qb" -- ox / qb
Config.Phone = "qb-phone" -- Phone System that you are using (this is only if you have Config.SendEmails == true)

Config.MinCops = 1 -- Min amt of cops required to start the job
Config.PoliceJob = 'police'
Config.CallCopsChance = 50
Config.PoliceDispatch = "none" -- "ps-dispatch" / "core_dispatch" / "qs-dispatch" / "none"

Config.Cooldown = 900 -- Cooldown per job (Seconds)
Config.CostToStart = 1000
Config.Deliveries = 5 -- Amount of times the player can deliver packages to the buyer per job
Config.SendEmails = true
Config.WaitListTimer = 15 -- Timer to get a job. (Seconds)

Config.WaitUntilNextBuyer = 15 -- Timer untill the next buyer spawns

Config.OxyBoxItem = "oxyboxes"
Config.OxyItem = "Oxy"
Config.OxyMin = 3 -- Min Amount of Oxy Given
Config.OxyMax = 7 -- Max Amount of Oxy Given
Config.ChanceOfOxy = 50 --  Chance of Getting Oxy

Config.GiveMoney = true
Config.ChanceofGivingMoney = 50
Config.AmountOfMoneyMin = 300
Config.AmountofMoneyMax = 600

Config.WashMoney = true
Config.DirtyMoneyItem = "markedbills"
Config.WashMoneyChance = 100
Config.AmountPerDirtyMoneyMin = 500 
Config.AmountPerDirtyMoneyMax = 1000
Config.WashAmount = 5 -- Amount of Dirty Money that can be washed per buyer

Config.SpecialRewardChance = 35
Config.SpecialRewardAmtMin = 1
Config.SpecialRewardAmtMax = 1
Config.SpecialReward = {

Config.BossCoords = { -- You can add multiple locations (Every Restart a new location is selected)
    vector4(196.76, -2231.34, 5.95, 92.24)

Config.Peds = { -- All Peds used in this script

Config.PickUpLocations = { -- Locations to pick up the oxy boxes
    vector4(1072.2345, -787.6505, 58.2627, 175.7418),
    vector4(1241.5532, -417.2479, 71.5785, 348.8421),
    vector4(1280.4253, 1909.1232, 82.1223, 122.6185),
    vector4(839.3458, 2176.8843, 52.2895, 161.2974),
    vector4(435.7209, 3513.8320, 33.9425, 96.1414),
    vector4(1383.5388, 4305.5420, 36.6635, 34.4972),
    vector4(-474.7727, 6285.8330, 13.6097, 328.6804),
    vector4(-2172.1890, 4286.2119, 49.0967, 58.7330),
    vector4(-2521.1331, 2310.0613, 33.2158, 266.1071),

Config.OxyVehicles = { -- Vehicle Spawn Name that the buyers will drive up in

Config.PedDrivers = { -- Locations where you deliver the oxy boxes
    [1] = {
        info = {
            startPoint = vector4(-1031.6633, -1524.8673, 5.1941, 121.8719), -- NPC Start Point
            MeetPoint = vector4(-990.0505, -1438.6194, 5.0513, 115.1750), -- NPC Meet Point with Player
            DespawnPoint = vector4(-1137.3114, -1483.3544, 4.4362, 115.5563) -- NPC End Point
    [2] = {
        info = {
            startPoint = vector4(-557.0524, 426.4308, 99.0403, 312.9275),
            MeetPoint = vector4(-570.0207, 322.6127, 84.4806, 349.8416),
            DespawnPoint = vector4(-542.9153, 439.6522, 99.1240, 6.8574)
    [3] = {
        info = {
            startPoint = vector4(902.4401, -87.3093, 78.7620, 61.8786),
            MeetPoint = vector4(840.6104, -143.1678, 77.3780, 233.8478),
            DespawnPoint = vector4(902.4401, -87.3093, 78.7620, 61.8786)
    [4] = {
        info = {
            startPoint = vector4(963.6174, -932.0437, 42.5150, 25.0037),
            MeetPoint = vector4(855.8150, -901.2540, 25.3910, 161.0438),
            DespawnPoint = vector4(963.6174, -932.0437, 42.5150, 25.0037)
Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements qb-core OR ESX, ox_target, ox_inventory, ox_lib, PolyZone
Support Yes

Other Resources:
Most Advance & Unique Backpack / Pockets System
Most Advance & Unique Drug Selling System
Mining Script
Money Wash Script
Black Market Script


  • Fix the heading of the vehicle spawns
  • Fixed Cooldowns

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