[PAID] Loaf - Bank robbery V2

bank robbery

Loaf - Bank robbery V2

Bank robbery script for ESX, QBCore, or your own framework!

Showcase: Bank robbery V2
Purchase here: Tebex, €24.99 before vat

  • Fully synchronized between players
  • Target interaction or native (press E) interaction
  • Usable items
  • Evidence left at the scene (QB only by default, you can set it up for your own system)
  • Good performance
  • Ability for police to lock doors
  • 7 pre-configured banks
  • Different rewards for different bank tiers
  • Sounding alarm
  • Configurable extra time for the thermite to melt the door
  • Configurable extra time for the door to open after hacking
  • Bank creator commands to easily set up a new bank
  • 4 different loot types
    • Stack of cash
    • Pile of gold
    • Cash trolley
    • Safe deposit box
  • Support for the most popular dispatch scripts
    • qs-dispatch
    • ps-dispatch
    • cd_dispatch
  • 3 different thermite minigames
    • ps-ui
    • memorygame
    • ox_lib skill check
  • 6 different keycard hacking minigames
    • electus_hacking
    • ultra-voltlab
    • howdy-hackminigame
    • datacrack
    • utk_fingerprint
    • ps-ui


  • ox_lib
  • OneSync
  • Up-to-date server artifacts
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3 600
Requirements loaf_lib, OneSync, updated artifacts
Support Yes

:heart_eyes: i wuv you loaf

This looks like utk_ornateheist?

What is the difference?

I never saw that release, but the entire code is different. I would say my script is also easier to config and add more banks (seems like that one only has support for 1 bank). Not sure how well that one syncs with objects etc, but the entire code is different (script looks similar yeah).

I also have plans to add so you can drill safe deposit boxes which I don’t believe that one has.

Yes quite similar to this

[ESX] Fleeca Bank Heists
And his Pacific standard bank I can see some neat differences which is good I don’t think you are copying him I just believe there aren’t many different things you can do with a bank robbery so it’s not your fault it’s semi the same also being able to rob the deposit boxes will be a nice feature

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Yeah I can definitely see the similarity, I was not aware there were free scripts like this released. I will add safe deposit box this week to make the script be more unique. UTK’s bank robbery seems to have a security issue where you can give yourself money and items though

Fleeca issue: Fleeca-Bank-Heists/server.lua at master · utkuali/Fleeca-Bank-Heists (github.com)
Pacific issue: pacificheist-ESX-/server.lua at master · utkuali/pacificheist-ESX- (github.com)

Ahh I see so yours is dupe proof and has more optimisation.
What kind of configuration does your script have?


Yeah there were a group of people who tried to find exploits but didn’t find any.
This is the config file: loaf_heist-config.lua

Nice great work Loaf

what about calling the cops system how does that work on this ?

Notification & blip



is this code obfuscated? Seems like a really good script but I need to make edits to integrate with some of my other scripts.

Of course not! That’s against FiveM tos :slight_smile:

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Quick question what does the 2.89% means? Should I be worried of having that on multiple scripts like this one, Im affraid that if I get this one Ill raise my TIME % too much, Im at 38% total right now.

Are all the banks on one global cooldown?

No, the cooldowns are seperate

aw dang. If you would add an option for a global cooldown, next time you did an update, that would be awesome. xD

Thanks for quick response.

I’m not sure what the time means to be honest, but I don’t think 2% is an issue. I will look into it and see if I can decrease it.

King as always!

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