[ESX, vRP] Extra Detailed Pacific Standard Bank Heist

Hello everyone, this is as the title says robbery script for Pacific Standard Bank (big bank in the city).
Main features:

  • Two ways of robbing the bank
  • Built-in door lock system for police
  • Everything is animated, detailed and has sounds
  • Cash, gold, diamond looting
  • Upgraded hacking mini-game


For more details check the full video of both ways of robbing the bank and lock system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwvpqR-eZrw&t=351s

ESX version: GitHub - utkuali/pacificheist-ESX-
vRP 0.5 / Dunko vRP version: GitHub - utkuali/pacificheist-vRP
vRP-2 version: GitHub - utkuali/pacificheist-vRP2-

Read the installation carefully. I will not provide any support.
If you find a bug or issue use GitHub issues template.


Good Script HERE IS THE Preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gJ9wHhjRG4&t

ho god !!!
thx mi amor

wow nice one dude

Oh shiet its finally out! Benn waiting this bit longer Awesome release, def gonna use it!

Nice :grin::heart:

I love you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Respect the god of scripts

I am using the new version of “es_extended”

Hell yeah can’t wait for the vRP version :smiley:

Thank you for this great script!

waiting realy hardddddd for vrp!!!

this is wonderful thank you, also love seeing the code use scaleforms as it gives me good examples, any plan to use more scale forms? maybe something to use the drill?

why the doors not opend ?

Stuck on This !!!


you either dont have mythic notify or dont have progress bars

i have it and after progress bar complete just stuck !

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i think i have issue whith progress bar and mythic notify , if you have a work version , can you send it to me !!

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Can you see that , that`s my issue ! , stuck here :pleading_face:

I already solve