[PAID] [ESX] [How To Sell Drugs Online (fast) inspired] Weapon Black Market with plane

Weapon Black Market with plane like the Netflix serie HTSDOF

Yes I know… in the series drugs were supplied instead of guns :roll_eyes:

With this script you can buy specific weapons.
The purchased weapons are delivered by plane in a wooden box.
Then the wooden box will be dropped at one of the specified coordinates (set in config file) and a red smoke effect will appear.
If you are a police officer, you will receive a message that an unregistered plane has been spotted and you will be able to see this on the map.


  • You can add as many weapons as you want
  • You can set the price and ammo count of the guns
  • You can set as many drop locations as you want
  • You can add as many order locations as you want
  • You can set whether police officers should receive a message
  • You can enable and disable blips

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~600
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

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How would you like it if you could also order items such as drugs? :yum:

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