[PAID] [ESX] Exclusion Zones / Sperrzonen for 1€

Exclusion Zones / Sperrzonen

With this script u can create and remove exclusion zones with police and sheriff job.

I made this script in a few minutes and release it for 1€ because I saw that other user is selling this script for 8€ and I think this is too much.

You can set all important things in the config.lua

Preview: click me!
Buy for 1€: click me!

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~130
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

Other releases


Nice release!

I am selling mine for 10€ because it has some features others dont have.

Kann man keine Notification da einfügen?

Wird die Tage hinzugefügt, danke für den Hinweis!