[PAID][ESX] Advanced Drug Sales W/Reputation

Hello there! In preparation for more drug scripts I realized I needed a way to get the drugs onto the streets, but didn’t want any of the other methods currently available. So I went with a mix of a few ideas.

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The video just shows the drug sale interactions, as everything else is pretty much handled out of sight, but i’ll explain more below.

Dependencies: ESX, PolyZone,bt-target, mythic_notifty
The ones in BOLD are Required and can easily be found via a forum search. You can replace mythic_notify with any notification of your choice.

The script uses bt-target’s AddTargetModel to make the gang peds interactable (Sell Drugs)

  • Includes a Server Event to wipe someones reputation (I use this on my server incase the person goes to jail, to “clear their street cred” essentially)
    – This is a great thing because it encourages gangs or people that produce drugs to sell to a third party, who in turn is able to make a profit off the purchase as long as their rep stays high. I feel like this brings in a whole new quality of RP to the drug selling process, instead of everyone just being a producer/seller all in one, it breaks it up.

  • Peds randomly choose a drug and an amount from your list of drugs

  • Once interacted with, the ped is added to a table and is no longer able to buy drugs from you
    – Even if you don’t have the drug the ped wants, and no sale is made he will still no longer buy from you. This is to prevent people from just spam selling drugs to the same few peds.

  • Every gang member of the Ballas, Vagos, and The Families are able to purchase drugs, and more ped types are easily addable.

  • Have as many drugs as you want, with unique prices for each drug added straight into the config.

  • Gain Reputation for every SALE of drugs (Not drug sold, but each successful sale)
    – Set min/max reputation gained in the config.
    – Includes a max reputation so drug selling does not get out of hand if someone managed to grind a ton of reputation.

  • Reputation comes into play once a sale has been initiated and you have the drug/amount the ped desires, the final price is determined as follows
    – Base price of drug * Amount sold + (Players Reputation * 0.2)

So for example;
at 0 Reputation 1 coke is $50. 4 Coke is $200
at 260 Reputation 1 coke is $63. 4 Coke is $252
Comes out to a $52 dollar increase in the overall price, which is a $13 increase per drug sold.

  • Notification & Blip for cops indicating street name and location of where the drug selling is taking place (Delivered via mythic_notify, but easily adapted to any notification system you use).

  • Requires you to add another column into your users table, “drugrep”. SQL Is included.

Forgot to mention, I will eventually update this splitting the reputation into different gangs (Families, Ballas, Vagos, and even a custom rep) to further provide gangs an incentive to hold down their territories.

Still interested? You can get this on my tebex here
Once purchased, you will receive an e-mail with the download link.
Any issues, contact me via DM, here, or through my discord located on Tebex.

Thanks for checking out the script and have a lovely day.
Some of my other scripts: Oxy/Deliveries | Taco Job | Meth Making | Mechanic Job | BMX Comp Standalone | Fitness, Group Yoga & More | More Interactive Stores | Burgershot


would buy if u didn’t use polyzones

Your loss. It’s a good script.

What’s wrong with polyzones? Just curious

I’ve had a negativ experince with it and I’ve heard the same from a lot of other people. It tends to cause issues and create a lot of client performance spikes.

That’s odd, as I have over 30 scripts running using bt-target and their combined usage is less then 0.10 ms, maybe even less than 0.5 ms. never had a performance spike and not once had an issue with it. Perhaps the people who you’ve heard about didn’t have things set up right, or had negative performance from other things. It’s a ton better then using markers, 3d text, or any of the other usual methods people used for things and is far better optimized

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Yes, if you are having 100 debug zones lol. No if you know how to use. Polyzones are one of the best ways to do distance checks. I use it on my whole framework.

Nice script.

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Can this only be used via the in game gangs? Or can we set this up using/with player created gangs please?

no plans to update compatibility to ox target?

This is a very simple task if you want to undertake it, simply change bt target to qtarget (it will work for ox), and AddEntityZone to AddTargetEntity, leave only the “ped” and remove usez, name, and you are all set. Infact, i domt think it uses EntityZones at all so you might just need to change bt target to qtarget and it works

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it was enough to change to qtarget, lol, thanks