BulgaR Boss Manager aka Society + Job Banks & Lockers [RedEM:RP]
Society/Job management for [RedEM:RP]
- The script has 4 job grades configured ( 99 is Boss, 3 is Manager, 2 is Supervisor, 1 is Employee ).
- You can setup which ranks have access to the bossmenu. [PREVIEW]
- You can hire, fire, promote, demote Employees.
- You can open/create 4 separate Bank Deposits with Lockers ( In Valentine, Blackwater, Saint Denis, Rhodes), u can add more if u want all in config file.
- You can setup which ranks have access to job banks for each option separately ( For example, you can set that the Employee will only have access to deposit money ). [PREVIEW]
- You can enable discord logs for bank activities. [PREVIEW]
- More u can see in Full Preview.
- Works on OneSync.
- You have full access to the client side code and config files. ( Server Side is secured with Cfx’s Asset Escrow system )
- More u can see in Full Preview.
Usefull Triggers for Scripts Developers:
TriggerServerEvent('bulgar_bossmanager:openbossmenu') -- Opens the bossmenu
TriggerServerEvent('bulgar_society_bank:job_add_money', "jobname", "Valentine", 999) -- Add $999 for job X at city Valentine.
TriggerServerEvent('bulgar_society_bank:job_add_money', "jobname", "Blackwater", 999) -- Add $999 for job X at city Blackwater.
TriggerServerEvent('bulgar_society_bank:job_add_money', "jobname", "Saint Denis", 999) -- Add $999 for job X at city Saint Denis.
TriggerServerEvent('bulgar_society_bank:job_add_money', "jobname", "Rhodes", 999) -- Add $999 for job X at city Rhodes.
Server Version 4752 or Above !
pNotify (Included)
bulgar_inputs (Included)
[FiveM Asset Escrow System]
Script is protected using Cfx’s Asset Escrow system, u can still edit the most important parts of the script and ofc config files.
Full Preview
My Other RedM Scripts
BulgaR Boss Manager aka Society + Job Banks & Lockers [RedEM:RP]
BulgaR Housing/Properties [RedEM:RP] & [VORP]
BulgaR House Decoration / Buy Some Home Objects [RedEM:RP] & [VORP]
BulgaR Shooting Range [Standalone] [RedM]
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BulgaR Bath System for [RedEM:RP] & [VORP] & [QBRCore]
BulgaR Barbers [RedEM:RP]
BulgaR Shop Robbery for [RedEM:RP] & [VORP] & [QBRCore] & [RSGCore]
BulgaR Prison/Jail [RedEM:RP] & [VORP]
BulgaR Sheriff Job [RedEM:RP]
BulgaR Sheriff Job [VORP]
BulgaR Madam Nazar Market/BlackMarket [VORP]
BulgaR Madam Nazar Market/BlackMarket [RedEM:RP]
BulgaR Mining [VORP] & [REDEMRP] & [QBRCore] & [RSGCore] & [OTHER]
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BulgaR Banking 2.0 for [RedEM:RP]
BulgaR Banking for [RedEM:RP] & [VORP]
BulgaR WeaponShop [RedEM:RP]
BulgaR Shops [RedEM:RP]
BulgaR Doorlock [RedEM:RP] & [VORP] & [QBRCore] & [RSGCore]
BulgaR River [RedEM:RP] & [VORP]
BulgaR AioMenu (All In One Menu for RedM) [Standalone]
BulgaR Pinboards [RedEM:RP] & [VORP] & [QBRCore] & [RSGCore]
BulgaR RPChat + 3Dme and 3Ddo [RedEM:RP] & [VORP] & [QBRCore] & [RPX Framework] & [RSGCore]
BulgaR 3D Combatlog [Standalone]
BulgaR Head ID & 3D Notification [Standalone]