[PAID] Animations Panel | VIRTUAL 3D PED, KEYBINDS

[ESCROW] 16€ + TAX

[SHOWCASE] vms_anims

:sparkles: Features:

• Fancy UI
• Responsive UI
• Keybinds
• Ability to adjust the position of the animation according to the current interaction (sitting on a wall or on a car)
• Synced animations
• Fast command animation, by default - /e [animname]
• Ability to setting position player animation when is triggered (Update 1.1.0)
• VirtualPed - Ped is your clone, you are the only one who can see it and it has no collision.
• Easy configurable color theme in css (3 line to change)
• 639 Animations.
• Script easy to configure.
• 0.00ms resmon if not using.
• +/- 0.08ms resmon if using. (if turned on virutal ped)
• Full support.

Thanks @BursztyneK98 for help with setting up the virtual ped.

If you decide to purchase the script, I encourage you to join on the discord, to keep up to date with updates.

:anger: You can check my others scripts :anger:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +800 lua
Requirements none
Support Yes

It looks like you just added a 3d character to an existing resource (@SirBombay) and slightly changed the UI.

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The entire UI is written by me. I know there is this script is available and I know it has these functions, but the addition of the 3D ped is my invention and I have not seen anyone else create it. Yes it was my little inspiration but that does not change the fact that the code is different and it is not stealing.

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Damn nice realise, exactly what was needed.


btw, its possible to add some hotkeys for animations ho is market as favorit?

it makes me very happy that you like it.


Unfortunately, there are no keyboard shortcuts yet but I have a plan for that and there will definitely be an update. At this moment it is possible for a player to bind with the command on F8 "bind KEYBOARD KEY “e (animationname)”.

Damn, I really would have taken it if the keybind feature was enabled

Because it’s really important and necessary feature for players


Im your customer, so im so happy about scripts which I need exactly at this moment.

Mby u can try to make on ALT + 1,2,3,4,5 etc
or just support for radial wheel menu for favorited emots?

I’m just telling you that you copied someone else’s design, which is protected by a DMCA license. Too many coincidences. How about the metro resource, right?

Okay, you can compare the code.

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We can’t its encrypted. lol


HTML and CSS is open, that’s what you mean I guess because you give visual examples.

btw take a look at google fonts material icons because that’s what you highlighted in the image comparison.
Material Symbols and Icons - Google Fonts

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It looks pretty good, the commenters are crazy, if you had to edit, make sure to rewrite html css, it would be faster, don’t care about them dude.

You don’t really understand what you’re being accused of.
It’s like taking the Apple logo and changing it and telling everyone that it’s a completely different phone an innovation but at the same time everyone knows that it’s still the same apple but you’re trying to convince them of this.


Stay mad

Yes i know, update is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. :dizzy:

would love to see an open source version

Hi ! Synchro anim works ? ^^