[PAID] Animations Panel | VIRTUAL 3D PED, KEYBINDS

Hi, at the moment, we don’t have such a feature but I’ll definitely make a note of it and in the next updates the animations will be synchronized!

Hi, currently there is no open source version available.

Listen guys… instead of name calling flag the post so the moderators can look into it.

or message them with the information you feel is relevant to the claim you are making.

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why are you calling me a thief when you are basing your opinion on a few comments from people who have not seen the code :joy:

I would like open source version if you ever decide to do so, let me know.

UPDATE 1.0.1

  • Added keybinds of animations (Of course, keybinds are saved to the player, after a server restart they still be saved.)


@dieselpowerlv @5iLax
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Dont do drugs kids heres why ^^^

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.2

  • Added to the config the ability to disable display and use virtual ped for the entire server Config.FullyDisableVirtualPed, also then the animation preview icons are removed from each animation.

  • Added the ability to also add the use of the command (ExecuteCommand) when using the animation, for example, you can add to the animation of smoking a cigarette, ExecuteCommand = "/me lights a cigarette"

  • Added notification telling you how to add an animation to your favorites when you press on that category and there are none there

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.0

  • Multiple opening of animation panel blocked

  • Added ability to setting position player animation when is triggered

  • The ability to run animations while falling has been blocked

  • In the config, you can set the animation positioning interaction keys, the border color, whether the border should be displayed in the player game, and its size

UPDATE SHOWCASE: vms_anims update 1.1.0 - YouTube

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.1

  • Blocked starting new animation while currently has anim
  • Added synchronized animations for two players

UPDATE SHOWCASE: vms_anims update 1.1.1

is support custom animation ?
can i add myself animations ( single / couple ) ?

Sure it is. There’s a stream folder

Does this support walking styles and moods? And are they persistent? (they stick until you change or reset it)

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.2

  • Added translations.js
  • Visually improved keybind saving
  • Added Config.RunAnimWhileRunned, you will be able to turn on an animation without turning off the previous one
  • Added Config.DisableRunNextPositionedAnim, it will block the possibility of bugging the positioned animation so they can’t trying to fly
  • Added posilility of disable animation if sitting in vehicle, add disableInVehicle = true in animations.lua

Sorry for the late reply, yes, it supports walking styles, as long as you don’t change the style stays the one you chose

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.3

[+] Added ability to cancel synced animations via Config.CancelKey
[+] Added Config.Hud (Ability to manage the display of the hud when the menu is running)
[-] Fixed bug with minimap display after closing the animation menu
[+] Added a new option Config.DisableKeyBindWhileDead to the config, you can disable the ability to open the menu if the player is dead

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.4

[/] If you don’t want to use opening the menu with Config.CommandName or Config.KeyBind, you can set it “” and it wont be loaded
[/] Fixed visibility of menu accept shared animation
[/] Fixed visibility of steering keys of positioning animation

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.5

[/] UI optimized, no longer loads all animations every run (should be much better in terms of menu loading time)

[+] Added Config.CoreDefine, for one-time implementation of Core functions - the script is still possible to use in the standalone version, just don’t complete it, but it is required for use if you want to use shared animations

[+] Added Config.EnabledOptionsWithJoin, here you can add enabled options from joining (VirtualPed, Move, Loop)

[+] Activate animation during positioning, so the player can accurately arrange the character in a particular place

[+] Added marker above head players before sending request for synced animation, player can search for the exact person he wants to run animation with

[+] Added Config.CloseUiWhenPlayerRunSyncedAnim, so you can enable the UI to automatically close when you start searching for a player to run a synced animation

[+] Added Config.CloseUiWhenPlayerRunPositioningAnim, so you can enable automatic UI close when you run the animation positioning menu

[+] Added Config.EnableMovingWithUI, this means that if you set this to true then players having the UI running can move further in the game (if a player on the UI presses the typing spot, moving is disabled until the typing spot is unfocused so that they don’t walk or make other interactions while searching for animations)

[+] Added some new synced anims - Carry, CPR, Hit head to head, Sitting on your knees, Blowjob

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.6

[/] Fixed loading animation list to UI

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.7

[/] Fixed an issue with the display of a marker over the other player when selecting the player with whom to start a synchronized animation
[+] Added Duration option to the synced animations - so that animations such as Hug are not looped
[+] Added 2 new F*ck NSFW animations

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.8

[/] Fixed synchronized animation cancellation
[/] Improved UI scaling for synced animation acceptance menu for 4K resolution