[Paid] Advanced Safe Zone Creator [ESX/QB/QBOX]

Introducing system that allows dynamic creation & configuration of unlimited number of Safe Zones on a live server!

This script works with any framework, only requirements are:


  • Synced with all online players
  • integrate custom exports/events into the SafeZones (client/editable.lua)
  • Admin access only, admin groups configured in config.
  • Create Safe Zone:
    • Label - between 4 and 20 characters
    • Points - when creating a safe zone, you have to input number of points. Because we need to create “a box”, the minimum number of points is 3 and this cannot be changed. Maximum number of points unlike the minimum number can be changed in config.lua (Shared.MaxPoints)
    • Text UI - this option will enable/disable textui being shown while inside the safe zone
    • Max Vehicle Speed - maximum vehicle speed allowed inside the safe zone (between 0 and 300) - unit KM/H
    • Allow Driveby - checkbox which allows you to enable/disable driveby for players inside the safezone
    • Allow Weapons - if not checked (false) weapons will be removed from players when inside the safezone and a new menu will appear:
      • Specific Jobs - allow “specific jobs” to use weapons in safe zones.
    • Players Invisible - players inside the safezone will be invisible
    • Vehicles Invisible - occupied vehicles by players inside the safezone will be invisible
    • Debug Mode - show borders of safe zone
  • Safe Zones List menu:
    • Individually presented Safe Zones with label and marked ID in the database.
    • By clicking on each individual Safe Zone ID button, you are taken to the new menu:
      • Safe Zone ID & Label
      • Toggle Debug Mode with displayed current debug mode for specific safezone
      • Edit Safe Zone Label
      • Teleport To Safe Zone (point #1)
      • Add Points
      • Edit Points
        • Teleport To Point
        • Edit Point Coordinates (location)
        • Delete Point
      • Safe Zone Settings
      • Specific Jobs - allow “specific jobs” to use weapons in safe zones
  • Delete Safe Zones:
    • Delete by Safe Zone ID - you can simply delete safezone by inputing it’s database ID. You can see safe zone IDs in the “Safe Zones List” menu.
    • Delete closest safe zone - this will search for closest distanced safe zone and delete it permanently
    • Delete all safe zones in radius - this will delete all safe zones in the radius you input after the option is selected
    • Note - every deleted Safe Zone is deleted permanently and cannot be restored.
  • Refresh Safe Zones - this will refresh all safe zones data.
  • Logs System
  • Complete Script Translation

Accessible Code

For better understanding of script, check Preview Video


  • S̶Q̶L̶ ̶I̶n̶s̶t̶a̶l̶l̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n- SQL tables are now automatically created, no need for manual setup anymore.
  • Config File & Editable Files

Worth mentioning

  • The script has been thoroughly tested with the latest versions of all the scripts listed in the requirements section. We can ensure that the script is compatible and functions as intended when using these up-to-date dependencies. However, we cannot guarantee the proper functioning of the script with older versions of the required scripts. It is highly recommended to use the specified latest versions to ensure the best performance and compatibility.


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Code is accessible Partly
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1200
Requirements oxmysql, ox_lib
Support Yes

Wow awesome script! Looks good, I am willing to give this a try! Love the ox_lib menu’s Uniq is using all the time.

Perfect Script Amazing Comunity And Best Support

Hey mate! this script looks amazing. and look prety damn good to use in my fivem server, il maybe buy it someday.

clean it must be not bad :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Best save zone creator in the fivem community. keep it up.

Good Script and nice Support

n1 scripts


  • Implemented version check (console print)
  • Added option to integrate custom exports/events into the SafeZones (client/editable.lua)
  • Optimized
  • Fixed Known Bugs
  • SQL tables are now automatically created, no need for manual setup anymore.
  • Added an option to allow “specific jobs” to use weapons in safe zones.
  • “Specific Jobs” can be configured live on the server for any safe zone at any time.

This is a very good plug-in. The only drawback is that it cannot be extended upward or downward. I hope it can be upgraded in the future.