Notification System | 1000+ Icons | [LifePeak-Scripts ]

LifePeak - Notify 1000+ Icons



  • Fully configurable
  • Low ms / Very good performance
  • Unique Design
  • Lifetime Support
  • Easy to Install
  • Used By Other LifePeak Scripts
  • Modern and beautiful UI
  • Standalone
  • 1000+ Posible Notify Icons
  • 6 Posible Notify Positions

• Price: 10.00€


Buy: [Standalone] Notify V2

Notify Demo Trigger Events:

RegisterCommand("notify", function()
	TriggerEvent("lifepeak.notify", 'check', "Bank-Transfer", "$3000.00 has been transferred to your account!", "inverted green", true, "top right", 13000, 'sound.mp3')
	TriggerEvent("lifepeak.notify", 'exclamation triangle', "Bank-Transfer", "The amount given is not in the account", "inverted orange", true, "top right", 12000, 'sound.mp3')
	TriggerEvent("lifepeak.notify", 'times', "Bank-Transfer", "The transfer of $3000.00 was aborted", "inverted red", true, "top right", 10000, 'success.mp3')
end, false)

RegisterCommand("notify2", function()
	TriggerEvent("lifepeak.notify", 'car', "Car Dealer", "You bought the Car", "inverted blue", true, "top right", 13000, 'sound.mp3')
	TriggerEvent("lifepeak.notify", 'dog', "Animal Shelter", "You toched a dog!", "inverted yellow", true, "top right", 12000, 'sound.mp3')
	TriggerEvent("lifepeak.notify", 'hospital', "Hospital", "You got healed!", "red", true, "top right", 10000, 'success.mp3')
end, false)

Other Scripts:
[FREE] [ESX] SpeedCameras | LifePeak Scripts
[FREE] [ESX] CarLock | LifePeak Scripts
[PAID] [ESX] LifePeak - Solutions Clothing-Shop
[PAID] [ESX] Shop-System| LifePeak Scripts

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 100
Requirements NO
Support Yes

from where are the 1000+ icons? Selfmade or from a framework?

1 Like


Font-awesome and A Framework combined.


Do have the rights for the icons to sell this script with the icons?

I imagine he is using their API so he’s not technically selling the script with the icons.

  • 1000+ Posible Notify Icons

(You made a typo OP)

Doesn’t include the icons but 1000+ possible icons to use.

We include the Icons as Files, no CDN link if you mean that.


The Poast has been Aproved by a Moderator
And still the Icons come from an Open Source Project (Free to use for everyone)
