NEW DLC - Bottom Dollar Bounties (mp2024_01) - INFO

Try this - its a client.lua

print(“Zombify script loaded.”)

local function LoadClipSet(clipset)
while not HasClipSetLoaded(clipset) do

RegisterCommand(“zombify”, function()
print(“/zombify command executed.”)
local movementClipset = “clipset@anim@ingame@move_m@zombie@core”
local strafeClipset = “clipset@anim@ingame@move_m@zombie@core”
local actionModeClipset = “clipset@anim@ingame@move_m@zombie@strafe”
local weaponAnimationName = GetHashKey(“ZOMBIE”)

print("Loading clipsets...")

if HasClipSetLoaded(movementClipset) and HasClipSetLoaded(strafeClipset) and HasClipSetLoaded(actionModeClipset) then
    print("Clipsets loaded successfully.")
    local ped = PlayerPedId()
    SetPedMovementClipset(ped, movementClipset, 0.25)
    SetPedStrafeClipset(ped, strafeClipset)
    SetPedUsingActionMode(ped, true, -1, actionModeClipset)
    SetWeaponAnimationOverride(ped, weaponAnimationName)
    print("Failed to load one or more clipsets.")


print(“Zombify command registered.”)

It’s less than 3095

Where could i find newest animations as an list?

where The Vinewood Club Garage Workshop? I no find, maybe coordinates wrong?

No, the coordinates are correct, what happens is that The Vinewood Club Garage Workshop is only for new generation consoles (PS5 and Xbox One Series X / S) so it does not appear on PC, although Rockstar did add those files so u can see the map on Codewalker and you could add it as an addon if u now how to do it

How stable is this is now? Is it worth to change server dlc version to this or still has problems?

i am running this on a 200+ players server haven’t noticed any problems

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which artifact are you running?

Here it is

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Is different

The animations link is unfortunately unavailable.
Can you update?